Let peace begin with me

So much happens in the course of a day that is beyond our control.

100 ways to respond. 

Only 1 way that feels right.

Overslept. Choose peace.

Ran out of coffee. Choose peace.

Stuck in traffic. Choose peace.

Missed a deadline. Choose peace.

Technology overload. Choose peace.

Nonstop meetings. Choose peace.

Bossy coworker. Choose peace.

Burnt dinner. Choose peace.

Argument with spouse. Choose peace.

Children acting up. Choose peace.

Unable to sleep. Choose peace. 

Today let peace begin with me.

Helpful Videos: 

Eckhart Tolle's Inner Peace Exercise 

50 Ways to Calm Your Nervous System

34 thoughts on “Let peace begin with me

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    1. I love how you write — “Finding center, is so important to our emotional health.” Amen soul sister! Your reflections & your encouragement bring me one step closer to mine. ⭕️ ♥️

  1. Peace is a beautiful thing. This speaks like the words of John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” I love this verse! Thank you, Andrea, for reminding me of it, and for sharing this encouragement. The chuckle was relaxing too. 🙂

  2. I’ve been focused on practicing inner peace this last year. It is hard to stay focused on choosing peace through every situation, BUT it’s worth it! Thank you for sharing this reminder!

    1. My pleasure! We are on the same path. That’s the beauty of our response (and our blogs). We have the choice to simplify or complicate issues – every moment of the day. #Breathe 🍃

  3. Yes! So often we give our choices (and freedom) over to the situation. Forgetting (stress does that to us) that we are the one in control of our emotions. Not “them”. “Choose peace” is a great mantra for snapping us out of our stress amnesia. If only for a brief peaceful moment.✨

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