Radio Interview: Social Media and Mental Health

Social Media and Mental Health is a frequent topic and active discussion in my psychology class with college and university students.

Social media is here to stay.

The question is how can we teach our children, students, and each other to use it responsibly.

How do we lead the way?



Your Input

I would love your questions and reflections on the topic of social media and well-being for my SUNDAY MORNING LIVE interview with host April Anderson on AM800 CKLW iHeart Radio.

We will also be discussing thriving under pressure and why failure is good for us.

Watch video

click here


The goal of the interview is to give listeners the tools to enjoy the benefits of social media without sacrificing mental health and wellness.

mental health social media


What comes to mind when you think about social media?

What’s your experience?

The pros. The cons.

The unexpected.


For example:

1. How does your phone and/or social media affect your mental health?
2. Your relationships?
3. Your mood?
4. Your memory?
5. Your self-esteem?

Please share in comments below


Listen Here


50 thoughts on “Radio Interview: Social Media and Mental Health

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  1. I hope you will post your interview here on wp, as I am in the UK and I probably miss it as it will be our afternoon.

    I think you are right social media and smartphones are here to stay. I do believe the addiction to the phones crazy and dangerous, for example, people too busy looking at the phone whilst crossing the road to notice a car coming! I think it is a useful tool , but not every second of our life!

    1. Thank you for all your support! And for your input on this very important topic. I agree 100%. Safety above all else.

      Here’s the link to my radio interview:

      Love to know what you think!

      Andrea xo

      1. Oh Dr Andrea, you really are a wonderful human being. I loved your interview. I liked the phrase skill deficit and discernment. You made me think about how actually kids only know the digital world and we know the non digital world as well as the digital world. And discerning what post on social media. What will boss think. I actually started facebook in 2012 and came off it and then went back on it for my blog.

        I see some parents who know both worlds so hooked on the phone that they teach their kids bad habits.

        1. If only you could see my smile!! 😊😊

          I love the opportunity to bring psychology to the people — and help them understand everyday life from a whole different perspective.


  2. Dr. D., I finally was able to listen to this wonderful interview with April A. Some thing I really agreed with was not using a “fear-based response” to explain why children need a phone. I hear this more and more. Personally, both of my children had phones at ten years old for two different reasons, but definitely not because I was afraid if something happened to them.

    I agree with making sure your social media interaction matches your intention, and I’d also add personality. My online personality is the same as my offline personality. I’m not sure if this is good or not lol, especially considering how much I post. But, I’m pretty aware that I’m an over the top person in real life, and social media is just an extension of that.

    That (Harvard?) study is funny to me. People really are into themselves, huh?

    Parallel play…that’s what I was trying to get at with one of my post. Are we really wanting our babies, toddlers, and children to be on a device, or are we just wanting to be on our devices (or to eat in peace)? I really suspect it’s the latter. It’s like leave me alone, so I can do this important thing (e.g., post to FB or eat dinner).

    I totally agree with detoxing and I also turn my phone of every night (once my kid is home), something that I’ve found not many people do. So many people are afraid they’ll miss some important phone call (e.g., death, sickness) if their phone is off…again, I’d probably add to the fear-based category. I also have turned off my notifications and that has made a HUGE difference. I check my phone when I feel like it, like on a break, as opposed to just because the little red dot or sound showed up.

    Whew! This was a lot. Thanks for this conversation!

    1. BIG thank you Dr. G!

      For taking the time to listen AND reflect on how this topic and interview applies to your life too.

      Through our ongoing blogging discussions over the years, I feel like I am in your classroom, and vice versa, right with you!

      So grateful!
      Dr. D ❤️📕

  3. Both good and bad. It’s a matter of weeding out the toxic people that make one feel “less than”. Anything that starts questioning your worth is something to truly evaluate whether it belongs in one’s life. 😁💕

    1. Thanks in advance for taking the time to listen. (No pressure, No rush )
      As a fellow professor, and gen x’r, I especially look forward to your observations and take on social media & mental health Dr. G!
      Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

  4. Social media and involvement in, depends on each individual. There are times in our lives for example, when we may be ill when social media becomes invaluable as a means to stay connected.

    However, in the “normal” run of life, too much social media detracts from “real Life” creating huge problems with human interaction, connection and relationships. As in all things, Balance is key.

    Social media is a means of escape many times and in my opinion, is not healthy. So many today don’t even know how to verbally communicate in real Life, which is the essence of clear understanding.

    The frustration I’ve experienced in dealing with someone who doesn’t seem able to process the spoken word has been tantamount. I’ve also observed the thinking process has been greatly damaged by depending on virtual communication versus again real Life involvement.

    I’ve witnessed people, as in young persons, with their noses in their cellphones while out in Nature. They are missing out on the whole point of being where they are, for their minds evidently are not even aware of the Beauty around them.

    Yes, social media is a great asset in our society in so many ways, yet, too much of a “good” thing is not a good thing at all.

    1. In preparation for tomorrow’s interview, I have prepared some notes (see below) that resonate perfectly with your comment above. Thank you Amy Rose for extending my knowledge in the areas of mindfulness and social media with your own experience. I always appreciate hearing from you!

      Dr. Andrea’s Notes in preparation for July 7 interview:


      Erosion of Attention and Present Moment Awareness


      • Living in 2 worlds
      • Thinking about social media 24/7
      • Inability to focus or remember the day’s events
      • “Curating” experiences instead of living them

      “We spend time trying to take the perfect photo while not actually absorbing the firsthand experience with your own two eyes.”


      • Ground Yourself; 5 sensory exercise
      • Notice little things in your environment; especially things you haven’t seen before

      1. I am very honored, Andrea. Thank you for listening and thank you for reaching a broader audience then I do. May your words be heard! These younger people are growing up in so many ways, in a very unhealthy manner. Bless you!!!

          1. I listened to your interview while I was editing some photographs from today. EXCELLENT!! I agree 100% with all you said!

            I only do WP blogging and even with that I limit myself with posting. When I feel like it I post.

            I’ve actually walked away from the “number game”, getting all stressed out if not a lot of people come by my site. I don’t care anymore!

            I’m doing it for FUN and to talk to those who regularly come by to see my images and read what I write.

            Anyways …. I could talk your ear off about this! I’m just so darn proud of the work you are doing. Know there is one woman behind you 100%! Amy🌹

            GOOD JOB! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

            1. Thank you for taking the time to listen Amy Rose! Love knowing my radio interview on mental health, empowerment & social media resonated with you.

              The key is to educate ourselves and others (parents, youth, students, teachers, psychologists) on how to integrate it into our lives in a way that ELEVATES not debilitates.

              Choice, control, and discernment — On & Offline changes everything

              🔑📲 🙌 📻

  5. This is a wonderful inquiry, Andrea. Good luck in your radio interview on Sunday!

    My two cents: I do my best to use social media to share about love… whether it’s forgiveness, or healing, or gratitude, that is my underlying purpose. And, I also focus on creating connection and community, where I may not see people physically and yet I have an opportunity to see them virtually! Sometimes I compare myself to other people (especially coaches), and that doesn’t help me. I’m aware of this pattern and let go of it when I get into it.

    Is this helpful?

    Blessings to you,

    1. So helpful Debbie! Thank you. Keeping our intention in mind, “whether it’s forgiveness, or healing, or gratitude” shifts the energy positive every time – on and off social media. Thank you for being a role model for kindness and generosity Debbie. What you do changes lives.

  6. Hi Dr. A! I wish you all the best for your radio interview 🙂 I know you’ll Ace it (get it, “A” for Andrea and “A” for Ace), lol.

    As for the topic of social media and mental health, personally I really have limit my time on Facebook as it negatively affects my confidence. If I’m on there, I find I get sucked into looking at profiles of people who seem perfect and start to question my own lifestyle, such as why doesn’t my hair look like that.

    Many thoughts that don’t get triggered elsewhere, it seems! Perhaps a big problem I have is that I can’t control exactly what I’ll see when I log in there. The Facebook feed comes up and it could be a picture that triggers something for me and then I feel self-doubt.

    A few thoughts that came to mind xx

    1. You are so right about the triggers.

      I have never had Facebook and every time I attempt to sign up for a Speaking Business Page, I end up having a mini panic attack at all the information coming at me.

      And I’m an adult! I can’t imagine a teenager trying to cope with the level of emotional overload.

      Thank you so much for contributing to this conversation and tomorrow’s interview! I always love hearing from you.

      Dr. A xo

  7. One could think that everything should be done with/in moderation yet it is safe to conclude that social media has become an addiction to many, especially younger generations. It has a negative effect on real socialising I regret to think as too often people interact through mobile devices rather than face to face. In fact I believe that social media is asocial. Indirect communication which seems to cause anxiety when people don’t get the recognition they aim to receive by pressing a ‘like’ or ‘follow’ button. You like me and I’ll follow you. Also, less popular teenagers are often neglected or targeted via social media which causes depression and loneliness. Plus there are numerous health issues as a result of frequent use of social media: eye problems, insomnia, back and neck problems, angst, etcetera, etcetera. Not to forget traffic accidents caused by those who seem to think looking at phone whilst driving is totally acceptable.
    There is no way back I’m afraid. The new drug. The Zuckerburgs of today are our modern day dealers. Social Media, SM, which is the giving or receiving of pleasure from acts involving the receipt or infliction of pain or humiliation.
    Enough said….
    A tip for the social media junkies: Whilst going out dining stack thy phones upside down on the table, sound off. The first one who picks up their phone to look pays for dinner 😁

    1. So true about moderation. Especially with youth, that have difficulty with impulse control and conscious awareness. My favourite part: the idea of the first one who picks up their phone at dinner pays!

      1. Thanks for sharing. I listened to it and I admire your positive opinions on the matter. This morning someone swerved in a car in my direction looking on a phone and nearly hit me. I see that nearly every day. So I’m sorry for being less positive about it 😁

        1. I am 100% with you on that one! Safety first. Phones are a luxury. Life/Death must respected and honoured.

          People first. Technology second.

          Most of all:
          Thank you for taking the time to listen to the radio interview! It’s so important that all of our perspectives and insights come together to solve this tech tsunami. The more varied our opinions, the more in depth our solutions.

  8. Social Media kept me connected when illness enforced isolation. I have found that discernment is important, though, when choosing my engagement. Activist groups for ME tended to be volatile and gloomy, and while I could relate, it wasn’t where I wanted to spend my energy. For me, finding a creative community (ie poetry) was uplifting and purposeful.

    1. I love how you have found the “islands” of social media that work for you VJ. I am very much the same way. I prefer visit ‘places online’ that raise my spirits, expand my knowledge, connect me to wonderful people like you, and deepen my compassion and humanity.

      And I would also like to add how much I am blessed by your poetry VJ. The courage and depth in which you share always hits the centre of my heart.

      Grateful that social media aka WordPress Blogging community brought me to you.


  9. I’m impressed that you’re broaching this subject. Being older, I don’t feel the need to maintain a huge social media presence–I’ve learned I’m more than a managed image.

    What worries me is that people are losing the art of conversing with one another and dealing healthily with conflict and confrontation and dealing with resolution rather than just blasting ideas and opinions out there without any responsibility for what they’ve said.

    It’s a great way to keep up with folks you haven’t seen, but I also miss the art of letter writing and not feeling pressure to answer a text or email immediately because I’m actually with people rather than on my phone. I’m interested in what you have to say.

    I worry about our young kids who are so tied to their phones that it has become their umbilical cord to a world they’re hesitant to truly engage in.

    1. So true about the human connection part Dayle.
      I couldn’t agree more!
      Here are some of my ideas on the topic:

      Dr. Andrea’s notes in preparation for July 7 interview:


      Loss of Human Connection

      • Loss of interest in the real world
      • Superficial, materialistic relationships (no depth)
      • Never looking up, and/or looking into someone else’s eyes
      • Rude Behaviour; Ignoring the person (cashier, barista, friend) right in front of you


      • Pre-determined relationship rules, e.g., no phone on date night
      • Human beings trump technology
      • Leaving phone in your car / out of reach / lock box
      • Giving back in small unexpected, mindful ways.

  10. Hi Andrea,
    I would be interested in hearing how you think someone can establish and maintain boundaries (for themselves and in their relationships) when it comes to social media/mindless internet scolling/phone usage.
    As for personal feedback on the topics you are covering, i believe there are positives and negatives. Relationships (easy to keep in touch/connected vs creating disengagement when physically present), memory (convenient to have information at fingertips, but then information is not being stored in our brains for future use), self esteem (positive reinforcement vs comparing “social media lives”).
    I look forward to hearing you speak! What a time to be covering this issue. Thank you!

    1. Hello Ashley!

      It seems like yesterday that I was lucky enough to have you for my nursing student! Thank you for taking the time to weight in on this important topic.

      You have identified all the key topics I am hoping to address in tomorrow morning’s interview. One smart lady you are! :)))

      Boundaries + Balance are the perfect way to sum up “social media management”. Especially since tech addiction and substance abuse have many similar qualities. It’s not the use that is the issue – it’s the OVERuse.

      And the best way to find the balance between “the matrix” and the physical world is people first, technology second. This includes the person in the mirror. We could all use a little (lot) more one on one time these days. Enjoy social media for sure. But never forget how much full on Presence heals and energizes.

      Wishing you a wonderful Saturday night!


  11. I think the answer to your question varies from person to person. It all depends on how one views social media. Some people are so intense about it. Acting as if they are afraid to miss a post or a like. I believe this is an unhealthy attitude that may often lead to undue stress or disappointment.

    Hope you are doing well. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks for weighing in. I always love hearing from you! You are bang on when you say “the answer to your question varies from person to person.” One works for one person, doesn’t necessarily work for another. The key is to take responsibility for one’s behaviour.

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