The Stories We Tell Ourselves The Stories We Tell Ourselves In this psychology video and article, I share concrete strategies for transforming painful emotional experiences using a model of cognitive psychology.  An A-B-C Formula for reality testing that is especially helpful during outer circumstances beyond a person’s control. What’s real? What’s distorted? A-B-C Scenario The scenario I describe in... Continue Reading →

Radio Interview: Why People Refuse to Change Their Minds

Interview Now Available: I begin 6 min 24 sec into radio segment: JULY 28 RADIO SHOW TOPIC: COGNITIVE DISSONANCE Why facts don't change our minds I would love your questions and reflections on the topic of why people refuse to change their minds and/or adjust their stance on a political, personal, relationship, or health... Continue Reading →

Failure as Feedback – The Drive Magazine

There are two ways of looking at failure. Failure as FEEDBACK. Failure as PUNISHMENT. ⊕⊕⊕⊕⊕ One energizes. The other paralyzes. WHY FAILURE IS NECESSARY I believe that failure is essential for success, at work and in our personal lives. Failure lights our way to what we’re ultimately meant to do. Especially when we embrace it... Continue Reading →

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