Face Everything and Rise

Fight or Flight Threat Response Every time we feel threatened (threat is the fundamental definition of stress) our first instinct is to “fight or flight“. This perpetual “fight or flight” response loop eventually creates a host of secondary problems, above and beyond, the original stressor. Powerpoint Slide from Broaden and Build Leadership Event, January 2022... Continue Reading →

Twelve Days of Self-Care

I am a strong believer in keeping things simple. The less complicated things are, the more likely we are to repeat the behaviour. Especially when it comes to health and happiness habits. https://youtu.be/0i0tuqAmdaw Twelve Days Day 1: Mindful Mornings Add five to ten minutes of relaxation to each of your morning routines. Time expands when... Continue Reading →

Empowering Conversations About Change

The Psychology of Change During this week’s health psychology lecture, we talked about the psychology of change, including the parts of our lives that remain ‘unchanged’ during rapid and unexpected change. What Remains During Change? The Sun Still Rises Coffee Tastes Delicious Trees Greet You on Your Walk Favourite Movie Still Delights Bed is Comfie... Continue Reading →

5 Mindfulness Techniques

1. Be Here Now https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EiuTpeu5xQc&feature=emb_title Stop Take a breath Observe Proceed 2. Create Space https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fXNo7GUDizM “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our freedom.” Viktor Frankl 3. Find Your Flow https://youtu.be/mZ_bI_t_L_E In psychology, flow, also known as being in the... Continue Reading →

Enjoy Every Moment

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fd9TrYI75o0 Never let the things you want make you forget the things you already have. Nothing Lasts Forever. Good or Bad. Enjoy Every Moment. Embrace it. Be it. See it. Everything you appreciate is you reflecting back. Homework for Today Look Around You. Notice Things Like You Are Seeing Them for the Very First Time.... Continue Reading →

Stay Open to the Possibilities

Embrace Uncertainty One of my favourite ways to energize before teaching psychology classes at St. Clair College is to summarize a theory in practical and concrete ways in the parking lot. Literally! 🚘  I filmed this video 5 minutes before I was about to teach a lecture on personality and positive psychology in my liberal arts... Continue Reading →

Taming Your Monkey Mind

Nature is a beautiful way to stop the monkey mind in its’ tracks. What is the monkey mind? “Buddha described the human mind as being filled with drunken monkeys, jumping around, screeching, chattering, carrying on endlessly. Fear is an especially loud monkey -  screaming out all the things that could go wrong.” Source: HuffPost  When we’re caught... Continue Reading →

The deeper the breath, the deeper the peace.

The next time you are under any kind of pressure. Stuck in traffic. Rushing from class to class. Dealing with a difficult customer at work. Desperately trying to recall answers on a final exam.  Wake up to the formidable power that exists within you.  Right here. Right now. Right under your nose. Breathe https://youtu.be/zRSQw-LjU8k The deeper the breath, the deeper... Continue Reading →

Nature’s Medicine: Here I Am

https://youtu.be/BcKL7x18Fc4?si=DIMK9PLpsOuAAiHQ The Aftermath No matter how many times I deliver a speech or engage in media and events, I am frequently left with the same emotion for the next day or two. Sadness. A kind of longing. A sense of emptiness. A Change of Pace I spend weeks and months practicing, preparing, and editing my... Continue Reading →

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