Holiday Peace and Stress Relief Do you find Christmas holidays stressful? If you’re anything like Santa, you answered yes! Santa feels the pressure too. Something I wrote about in the Drive Magazine . Including the benefits of leaning into difficult emotions. Because the more we resist discomfort, the longer it lasts. "The root of all suffering is attachment." Buddha Stop... Continue Reading →

Enjoy Every Moment Never let the things you want make you forget the things you already have. Nothing Lasts Forever. Good or Bad. Enjoy Every Moment. Embrace it. Be it. See it. Everything you appreciate is you reflecting back. Homework for Today Look Around You. Notice Things Like You Are Seeing Them for the Very First Time.... Continue Reading →

Freedom is realizing you have a choice

Freedom doesn’t come from holding on. Freedom comes from letting go. Again and again and again. Universal Experience Too often we are hard on ourselves for having to release the same thought, emotion, person, or situation.  When in fact that’s how life goes. For all of us. Letting go and surrendering are an ongoing daily... Continue Reading →

Emotional Freedom Technique for Social Anxiety & Imaginary Audience

Have you ever felt like you’re being watched?  Judged and scrutinized. Like all eyes are on you and every potential error you make? Everyone experiences this phenomenon from time to time, especially when trying out something for the first time. Think back to the first time you gave a dinner party, swung a golf club,... Continue Reading →

Uplifting Mantras for Uncertain Times

Life lived backwards makes perfect sense.  You finally understand WHY the job, the partner, the degree, the house, the friendship, the ______ didn’t work out.  BUT what about in the “here and now”? How do we make the leap of faith during the darkest of days? Mantras Are My Answer Find a phrase that... Continue Reading →

Mental Health Education In Celebration of Mental Health Awareness Month CULTIVATING MENTAL HEALTH DAILY In this video, I share an overview of my psychology article in The Drive Magazine (May, Issue 121). An issue devoted entirely to mental health awareness, treatment, and prevention. With the ultimate goal of ending the stigma of mental illness. A topic I... Continue Reading →

The deeper the breath, the deeper the peace.

The next time you are under any kind of pressure. Stuck in traffic. Rushing from class to class. Dealing with a difficult customer at work. Desperately trying to recall answers on a final exam.  Wake up to the formidable power that exists within you.  Right here. Right now. Right under your nose. Breathe The deeper the breath, the deeper... Continue Reading →

Just Breathe

Sometimes it's the smallest things that have the greatest impact on our happiness. Something so close, so within reach, we often forget it was there in the first place. The good night's sleep we're yearning for.. waiting patiently at the end of each day. The connection to nature we're searching for.. available 24/7 just beyond our front door. That extra deep... Continue Reading →

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