Laughter is the best medicine We live in a world weighed down by tragedy and adversity. And we have been conditioned to believe that tragedies require tragic mindsets and hardships demand hardened spirits. We also live in a world overflowing with abundance and joy. But we cannot see the good from the bad when we are blinded by... Continue Reading →

50 Ways to Calm Your Nervous System 50 Calming Exercises Light a candle. Notice the flicker of the flame. Open a window. Watch the trees sway in the breeze. Breathe in fresh air. Record last night’s dreams in a journal. Smile while reading this sentence. Dance to a song from your teenage years. Belt out show tunes in the shower. Burn... Continue Reading →

Twelve Days of Self-Care

I am a strong believer in keeping things simple. The less complicated things are, the more likely we are to repeat the behaviour. Especially when it comes to health and happiness habits. Twelve Days Day 1: Mindful Mornings Add five to ten minutes of relaxation to each of your morning routines. Time expands when... Continue Reading →

Psychology of Body Image: Don’t Believe Everything You Think Perception versus Reality I was motivated to write this post and film an accompanying video after witnessing so many students overwrought by thoughts of inadequacy about how they looked. In reality, there was no doubt that they were healthy and whole, but in their minds, they believed the opposite. A phenomenon heightened by imaginary audience... Continue Reading →

Catch Pause Repair (CPR): Healthy Workplace Awards Keynote Speech Healthy Workplace Awards This week I did a keynote speech at the Healthy Workplace Awards Ceremony. Given all we are collectively going through, I thought the notes and video from the keynote would be helpful to everyone. News Release: CTV News Especially as we wrap up this year. A year where we collectively experienced... Continue Reading →

5 Simple Stress Relief Techniques

Life is complicated. Stress management shouldn't be. 5 Stress Relief Techniques 1. Gratitude 2. Breathwork 3. Movement 4. sur·ren·der 5. This moment Repeat Daily 💕

Celebrate Who You Are: One Size Does Not Fit All Boundaries, Personality, and Saying No Do you have a difficult time saying no? While others in your life say no without a second thought. Is this confusing and at times upsetting for you? Are you hard on yourself because of this discrepancy between yourself and others? You may be interested to discover that Saying... Continue Reading →

The unexpected benefits of stress

Most people wince every time they hear the word "stress". It's as if the whole world has been conditioned to respond to stress the same way, by word alone. A habitual thought response that is often more dangerous than the stressor itself. What you believe matters. The latest research in psychology examines stress in an entirely new... Continue Reading →

Fear is an illusion.

Don’t be fooled by fear. Look it directly in the eye. Fear distorts reality. Fear exaggerates the truth. Step back. Take a pause.  Remember who you are. You have overcome great adversity. You have faced this phantom before. The wolf is a mirage. And so is fear. Resources to help you break free: Understanding... Continue Reading →

It’s ok not to be ok. As a positive psychologist, I often write about the bright side of life. Including harnessing strengths, enhancing motivation, and flourishing in the wake of adversity. Not the whole picture While strengths are vital to realizing one's full potential - it's not the whole picture when it comes to living a balanced life. Embrace the downside... Continue Reading →

Teaching Stress Resilience at School

We all have stress. It’s a universal human experience. The key is to not let stress become our identity. Instead, with an open mindset and the right set of resilience skills we have the opportunity to reach a whole new level of purpose and well-being. How can educators help foster stress resilience in their students? Stress... Continue Reading →

Are you a highly sensitive person (HSP)?

Psychology Reflection Questions Do you experience more stress than the average person? Are you overly sensitive to external stimuli? Chances are, there is nothing wrong with you or your coping strategies. Instead, your brain may be more sensitive to stress than the average person.  You may in fact, be what Dr. Elaine Aron has coined "A Highly Sensitive... Continue Reading →

Stressful Times: Empowering Life Lessons

Question your stress. It has something to teach you. Psychology Worksheet 1/ Identify a stressor / challenge in your life. Be specific. For example: Not enough money. Too busy. Lack of sleep. Pushy relative. Your Answer: ______________________________ 2/ What is this stressor / challenge trying to teach you? For Example: Slow down. Change jobs. End... Continue Reading →

Fear and Anxiety Solutions

FEAR ->Forget Everything And Run. Each time we feel threatened (threat is the fundamental definition of stress) our first instinct is to "fight or flight". PUFF UP or Shrink.  This perpetual "fight or flight" response loop eventually creates a host of secondary problems, above and beyond, the original stressor (or oppressor). It does not matter how we... Continue Reading →

Psychology Tips for Managing Time, Energy, and Negativity

"HOW WE SPEND OUR TIME IS HOW WE SPEND OUR LIVES." In the following videos, I share techniques for enhancing time and energy with mindfulness and positive psychology: TAKEAWAY Pay attention to how you spend your time and energy today. Joy needs room to breathe. And so do you.

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