Laughter is the best medicine

We live in a world weighed down by tragedy and adversity.

And we have been conditioned to believe that tragedies require tragic mindsets and hardships demand hardened spirits.

We also live in a world overflowing with abundance and joy.

But we cannot see the good from the bad when we are blinded by what weighs us down. Often resulting in one-sided fixed perceptions of reality.


Shift your focus

Change your life


A shift in focus can happen in a number of ways.


Time in Nature

A long deep breath

Awe and Wonder

Laughter with Friends

Laughter Yoga
Watch Here

Why Laughter?

1. Laughter breaks the panic spell.

The not enough mindset. The woe is me attitude. The negativity downturn.

2. Laughter melts the stress away.

3. Laughter connects people in present time.

Friends and strangers! Think of the last time you laughed out loud with a cashier in the grocery line. For me, it was last night.

4. Laughter is good for our health.

It benefits our mind and our body.


Today’s Homework

have fun

Be kind to your mind

Remember who you were before life weighed you down.

Dance a little dance.

Be a goofball with friends.

Respond to hard times with a light heart and an open mind.

Nourish your soul.

Leave room for grace.

Laughter is an instant vacation to a better place!

Laughter Video 
Watch Here

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