Lighten Up in 2022 — Positive Emotions & Problem Solving

“Your heart is the light of this world. Don’t cover it with your mind.” Lighten Up in 2022 The solution to a problem is rarely found in the source of the problem.  This is why it’s important to lighten up before tackling difficulty. Problem Solving from a Higher Place Positive emotions heighten our awareness and open our minds to... Continue Reading →

Twelve Days of Self-Care

I am a strong believer in keeping things simple. The less complicated things are, the more likely we are to repeat the behaviour. Especially when it comes to health and happiness habits. Twelve Days Day 1: Mindful Mornings Add five to ten minutes of relaxation to each of your morning routines. Time expands when... Continue Reading →

Empowering Conversations About Change

The Psychology of Change During this week’s health psychology lecture, we talked about the psychology of change, including the parts of our lives that remain ‘unchanged’ during rapid and unexpected change. What Remains During Change? The Sun Still Rises Coffee Tastes Delicious Trees Greet You on Your Walk Favourite Movie Still Delights Bed is Comfie... Continue Reading →

Enjoy Every Moment Never let the things you want make you forget the things you already have. Nothing Lasts Forever. Good or Bad. Enjoy Every Moment. Embrace it. Be it. See it. Everything you appreciate is you reflecting back. Homework for Today Look Around You. Notice Things Like You Are Seeing Them for the Very First Time.... Continue Reading →

Stay Open to the Possibilities

Embrace Uncertainty One of my favourite ways to energize before teaching psychology classes at St. Clair College is to summarize a theory in practical and concrete ways in the parking lot. Literally! 🚘  I filmed this video 5 minutes before I was about to teach a lecture on personality and positive psychology in my liberal arts... Continue Reading →

Breathe Every time we take a long deep breath, we are telling our bodies that we are safe. Each breath connecting our mind, body, and heart. Bringing us back to present time. 5 Breathing Techniques: Follow Your Breath Become aware of each inhalation and exhalation. Focus on the sensations you feel as air passes through... Continue Reading →

Visualization Exercise: Look for the signs Signs pointing us in the direction of our dreams are everywhere. Everywhere! But we have to look UP to see it. OPEN our minds to BELIEVE it. Daily Visualization Exercise The next time you see a 40 km, 50 km, or even 100 km sign — take it as an opportunity to visualize where... Continue Reading →

Ambitious Mama Podcast: Thriving Under Pressure & Posttraumatic Growth

Podcast Details & Show Notes I was recently interviewed by wellness entrepreneur Christa Realba for her Ambitious Mama Podcast Series. During the podcast, Christa and I discussed how posttraumatic growth and thriving under pressure are possible for all of us. In different gradients, and at different times for sure. Depending on where you are on... Continue Reading →

Psychology YouTube Channel

Psychology Interviews, Leadership Sessions, Interactive Workshops, Live Seminars, Keynote Talks and So Much More! Click Here: Vision and Mission The purpose of my YouTube Channel is to share key lessons from psychology lectures in as little as three to five minutes. I know how busy everyone is. And I love a good challenge! Psychology Playlist Continue Reading →

Uplifting Mantras for Uncertain Times

Life lived backwards makes perfect sense.  You finally understand WHY the job, the partner, the degree, the house, the friendship, the ______ didn’t work out.  BUT what about in the “here and now”? How do we make the leap of faith during the darkest of days? Mantras Are My Answer Find a phrase that... Continue Reading →

FOMO ANXIETY Simple Tips for Feeling Better

This post is for anyone experiencing FOMO. Particularly on a long weekend holiday! Psychology Insight: Holidays heighten social anxiety of every kind. FOMO especially. Consider these questions as you explore what’s going on below the surface. 1. Do you remember the first time you experienced FOMO? 2. How did you cope with the anxiety... Continue Reading →

Positive Psychology on Campus Positive vs. Traditional Psychology "While traditional psychology focuses its attention on pathology and problems, in the relatively new field of positive psychology, researchers strive to explore and understand the strengths of individuals that contribute to their flourishing." Source: Psychology Guide PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION Strengths first I am passionate about what positive psychology can do... Continue Reading →

Your emotions have a message for you.

Create space for feelings to flow. Emotions are neither good or bad. Only labeling makes it so. Don't run from challenging emotions. Instead, lean in and ask: “What are you trying to tell me?" Witness. Observe. Learn. The best part is how small fear appears close up! We must go in — to get... Continue Reading →

Change the world one compliment at a time

Today I encourage you to notice the little things in everyone you meet. Their smile. What lifts them up. What makes their heart sing. How hard they work. How they get through a day. Celebrate their strengths Show them you care Acknowledge them. Notice them. Lean in. Listen completely.  Praise their hard work. Compliment their... Continue Reading →

The power of beliefs.

Belief plays a pivotal role in success. Believing that you have what it takes. Believing that you can try again. Believing in something greater than yourself. Believing you are never alone. Believing your power is greater than your pain. Believing that things are going to get easier. In this 5 minute training video, I... Continue Reading →

Failure as Feedback – The Drive Magazine

There are two ways of looking at failure. Failure as FEEDBACK. Failure as PUNISHMENT. ⊕⊕⊕⊕⊕ One energizes. The other paralyzes. WHY FAILURE IS NECESSARY I believe that failure is essential for success, at work and in our personal lives. Failure lights our way to what we’re ultimately meant to do. Especially when we embrace it... Continue Reading →

Keep Dreaming. Keep Believing.

What percentage of the time do you spend talking about your stress versus talking about your dreams? Arguing for your weaknesses versus championing for your strengths? Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power. So please accept this challenge of beginning your conversations with your dreams instead of your stress. In doing so you... Continue Reading →

How do I motivate myself when I feel completely lost?

JUST SHOW UP The word motivation stems from the Latin word "movere" which means to move. Which is why MOMENTUM is such a powerful force when it comes to motivation. Motivation doesn’t happen before the creative act — it happens during. Small steps.Day by day.Week by week.Moving you forward.Closer to your dreams.Just show up.... Continue Reading →

Ordinary Joys

Simple pleasures are my favourite. Hot coffee. Cozy blankets. Birds singing. The sun rising. Fast runs. Slow walks. Long days. Warm hugs. Peaceful silences. BLT sandwiches. Tomato soup. Matinee movies. Buttery popcorn. Ice cold pop. Walking on campus. Smiling in the hallways. Laughing with students. Learning from students. Driving home. Soulful conversations. Dreaming of the future. Reminiscing about... Continue Reading →

Shifting Positive on a Stressful Day

“Every day might not be good, but there is something good in every day.” In psychology class this week, I teach one of my favourite subjects - Stress, Coping, and Health Psychology Chapter 11 in my psychology textbook. I purposely teach this topic during the height of midterms. Raising awareness about the healthy (and not so healthy) ways students manage... Continue Reading →

What We Believe Matters

What we believe matters as it’s our mindset that shapes our physiological and emotional response to stressful circumstances. Ultimately, determining our ability to face our fears, overcome resistance, and bounce back after adversity. Watch Video - Click Here RELATIONSHIP: BELIEF PATTERNS For example, when a relationship ends, if we view it as a personal... Continue Reading →

What’s the best thing that happened to you today?

Shifting students positive. So many students come to class anxious and stressed out. The last thing on their minds is learning. Which is why I start each class by asking students what's the best thing that's happened to them today. Reflection ◊ Connection ◊ Motivation Their answers fascinate me. And give me insight into what motivates them.... Continue Reading →

What will you focus on today?

Choice is a powerful tool when it comes to stress perception. What we give attention to grows. Which is why we must make the conscious decision to talk about our blessings more than our challenges. Our strengths more than our stressors. Our excitement more than our fears. Our possibilities more than our problems. Every day is... Continue Reading →

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