Back to school!

Today marks my 20th orientation with Bachelor of Science Nursing Students at St. Clair College.

No matter how many years I attend Fall orientation, it feels like the first time.

No matter how many times I work with students, it never gets old.

Their first class is my first class.

Their struggle is my struggle.

Their victory is my victory.

Students are my reason why.


And so today marks the beginning of something great.

Another fresh start.

Another set of dreams.

Another opportunity to change lives for the better.

Here’s to new beginnings and fresh starts!

For All of Us 🌎

First Day of Classes — 
Watch Video

From Psychologist to Professor —
Watch Video

40 thoughts on “Back to school!

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    1. Thank you so much Khaya! Love that my passion shines through! 📕❤️

      Being a professor is my second career. I had very little desire to teach full-time. I started out as a school psychologist in a school board for five years, then went into private practice when my life took a turn.

      In the meantime, teaching found me — and I continue to practice as a psychologist for many more years and then retired my psychologist license and surrendered to teaching psychology full-time. (I know how good I have it)

  1. That is wonderful Andrea, That just shows you just how in tune you are in all you do, for you LOVE that which you are teaching and the energy of that love is there for all to see in your Students..
    Have a great New Term… and I am sure the rewards will be great in all of your classes..

    Much love your way ❤

    1. You uplifting comment reminds me of the best advice I heard in 2022:

      When life gets you down and distracted by all that could go wrong — come back to centre by focusing on what you love ♥️🎯

      I may not love all the parts of my job, marriage, neighbourhood, city, world etc. No one does! That is life. But when you ZERO IN on the good parts, the rest fades away.

      Feeling YOUR love & energy every time you visit my page.

      Thank you Sue. 📖 💕 🙏

      Wishing you a wonderful Fall!

    1. Thank you much Jessy! The last 2 years had us digging deep and the one thing that kept me going was remembering that I was not alone in the storm. We were the first college in Canada to go back in person last September. With masks on, like everyone else.. and the opportunity to see all their smiles on Tuesday morning at 8am – wow! How wonderful that will be. Wishing you and your family a wonderful long weekend. Andrea ☀️💕

    1. Wonderful to meet you too! I talk more in depth about purpose / commitment / North Star vision in the final third of my TEDx Talk on Resilience & Thriving Under Pressure. Link Here:

      Your Turn:
      Love to know about your “why’ too. What lifted you up and kept you and your teammates (at home and at work) going during the pandemic? What’s Your North Star Chris? ✨

    1. Wishing the same for you too Ali! How blessed your students are by you.

      One thing I have learned over the years as both a professor (current profession) and psychologist (retired profession) it’s the day to day that makes the biggest change. Noticing students in the hallways, encouraging them at the start of class, and finding the flow in the teaching process.

      One. School. Day. At. A Time.. 📕 ❤️ 👟 👠

  2. I think you’re incredible as a teacher! The many teachers I’ve seen were usually seemingly bored of first day classes, and it’s wonderful how you’re as excited for your first day as your students are. Also, nice pictures. ❤️🖼

      1. Thank you very much! I’m super excited about all of the adventures. My students have been wonderful so far. They are so full of life! You have a wonderful weekend as well, Andrea!

  3. You are an amazing teacher, I love your outlook and enthusiasm. Hearing that from a student perspective is warming and inspiring. Keep up the great success with your new class!

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