Delaying Gratification Doubles The Reward

When faced with a decision, ask yourself: Am I rushing the answer? Do I need to slow down? Am I being impulsive? Will I have regrets? Do I have all the information? Is it worth the wait? Reflection Questions 1. Do you consider yourself a patient person, an impatient person, an impulsive person? Does... Continue Reading →

Laughter is the best medicine We live in a world weighed down by tragedy and adversity. And we have been conditioned to believe that tragedies require tragic mindsets and hardships demand hardened spirits. We also live in a world overflowing with abundance and joy. But we cannot see the good from the bad when we are blinded by... Continue Reading →

50 Ways to Calm Your Nervous System 50 Calming Exercises Light a candle. Notice the flicker of the flame. Open a window. Watch the trees sway in the breeze. Breathe in fresh air. Record last night’s dreams in a journal. Smile while reading this sentence. Dance to a song from your teenage years. Belt out show tunes in the shower. Burn... Continue Reading →

Peace Lives Here

 Peace happens in moments. Not days. Not weeks. Not years. Hot coffee. Cozy blankets. Birds singing. The sun rising. Peace happens in moments. Not days. Not weeks. Not years. Savour the sunshine. Taste every morsel. Dance with abandon. Stroll by the moonlight. Peace happens in moments. Not days. Not weeks. Not years. Breathe... Continue Reading →

Face Everything and Rise

Fight or Flight Threat Response Every time we feel threatened (threat is the fundamental definition of stress) our first instinct is to “fight or flight“. This perpetual “fight or flight” response loop eventually creates a host of secondary problems, above and beyond, the original stressor. Powerpoint Slide from Broaden and Build Leadership Event, January 2022... Continue Reading →

Lighten Up in 2022 — Positive Emotions & Problem Solving

“Your heart is the light of this world. Don’t cover it with your mind.” Lighten Up in 2022 The solution to a problem is rarely found in the source of the problem.  This is why it’s important to lighten up before tackling difficulty. Problem Solving from a Higher Place Positive emotions heighten our awareness and open our minds to... Continue Reading →

Twelve Days of Self-Care

I am a strong believer in keeping things simple. The less complicated things are, the more likely we are to repeat the behaviour. Especially when it comes to health and happiness habits. Twelve Days Day 1: Mindful Mornings Add five to ten minutes of relaxation to each of your morning routines. Time expands when... Continue Reading →

5 Mindfulness Techniques

1. Be Here Now Stop Take a breath Observe Proceed 2. Create Space “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our freedom.” Viktor Frankl 3. Find Your Flow In psychology, flow, also known as being in the... Continue Reading →

What helps you adapt to change?

What helps you adapt to rapid, unpredictable, unexpected change? I asked this question of student leaders at a province wide conference. See student answers on the chalkboard below: My answer on the chalkboard was: GO SMALLER One day at a time. One hour at a time. One class at a time. Microseconds sometimes.. Your... Continue Reading →

What advice would you give your younger self?

ASK DR. D … ANYTHING! At a recent leadership conference, student leaders from St. Clair College's Student Representative Council SRC had the opportunity to ask questions live during the final portion of the training event. Questions & Reflections The student leaders raised the reflection bar high during this discussion period. One Question Stood Out The... Continue Reading →

Psychology Insights: Self Criticism to Self Compassion

WHY ARE WE SO HARD ON OURSELVES? Great question! One that I’m asked often. And one that I often ask myself. PSYCHOLOGY INSIGHTSWhat causes this behaviour? The answer is multifaceted and includes several factors including how we were parented (when internalized superego and conscience first develops) and eventually how we parent ourselves. For example: When something... Continue Reading →

Breathe Every time we take a long deep breath, we are telling our bodies that we are safe. Each breath connecting our mind, body, and heart. Bringing us back to present time. 5 Breathing Techniques: Follow Your Breath Become aware of each inhalation and exhalation. Focus on the sensations you feel as air passes through... Continue Reading →

Patience is the ability to count down before you blast off

What is meant for you is coming for you. E  X  P  A  N  S  I  O  N happens in the space in between stress and strength, pain and power. Trust and Believe in Your Divinity. HONOUR this day, this moment, the unknown. You got this! What is meant for you is on its way.

Uplifting Mantras for Uncertain Times

Life lived backwards makes perfect sense.  You finally understand WHY the job, the partner, the degree, the house, the friendship, the ______ didn’t work out.  BUT what about in the “here and now”? How do we make the leap of faith during the darkest of days? Mantras Are My Answer Find a phrase that... Continue Reading →

How we talk to ourselves matters How we talk to ourselves matters. Particularly in the eye of the storm. Having a “go to” mantra in times of uncertainty helps. Especially in the uncomfortable, agonizing moments between stress and strength. An image that helps me is imagining myself growing roots and wings during dark times. Chanting “I am expanding” as the... Continue Reading →

The deeper the breath, the deeper the peace.

The next time you are under any kind of pressure. Stuck in traffic. Rushing from class to class. Dealing with a difficult customer at work. Desperately trying to recall answers on a final exam.  Wake up to the formidable power that exists within you.  Right here. Right now. Right under your nose. Breathe The deeper the breath, the deeper... Continue Reading →

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