Energizing Self-Talk

How we talk to ourselves matters.

Especially at the start of a brand new day.

The way I see it, our thoughts are the lyrics to the daily soundtrack of our lives.

A topic I discuss with love and laughter during my Women With Drive Speech. Video below ⬇️

Try This One Day at a Time Approach to Energy Psychology With Me Today!

Step One: Awareness

Begin by WAKING UP to your inner dialogue in the morning.

Notice the first thing you think of when you look in the mirror.

Is it loving?

Is it kind?

Step Two: Mirror Affirmations

Write an encouraging quote for yourself on your bathroom mirror.

At a loss for words?

Pick any one of the quotes you’ve shared with the world on social media this past year and post it for yourself on your bathroom mirror.

It only takes one thought, one word, one smile, one song, to change a life.

Begin with your own

You yourself, as much as anybody else deserve your love and affection.


Speech Video: Watch Here

Affirmations Video: Watch Here

Louise Hay Affirmations: Read Here

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