What helps you adapt to change?

What helps you adapt to rapid, unpredictable, unexpected change? I asked this question of student leaders at a province wide conference. See student answers on the chalkboard below: My answer on the chalkboard was: GO SMALLER One day at a time. One hour at a time. One class at a time. Microseconds sometimes.. https://youtu.be/rUWGr_GwzhM Your... Continue Reading →

Peer Pressure: What happened when I quit drinking?

Getting ready for my online summer courses which requires a lot of new psychology videos. Including video discussions on health, wellness, and personal empowerment. Similar to in person college classes, the goal is to stimulate active discussions and open communication. For example: Discussion Topic What happened when I quit drinking? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ejpt6agt1tk Watch this short video... Continue Reading →

Uplifting Mantras for Uncertain Times

Life lived backwards makes perfect sense.  You finally understand WHY the job, the partner, the degree, the house, the friendship, the ______ didn’t work out.  BUT what about in the “here and now”? How do we make the leap of faith during the darkest of days? Mantras Are My Answer https://youtu.be/nD4LmUHG2vM?si=j88ssJBGT3y6KepP Find a phrase that... Continue Reading →

Choice and transformation go hand in hand.

“Empowerment is realizing you have a choice.” My mission in life is to encourage people to own their choices – no matter how big or how small. In doing so, individuals will uncover the magnificent power that lives within them. Embracing the power to choose one’s emotions, thoughts, and reactions to life’s circumstances is the key which... Continue Reading →

Change the world one compliment at a time

Today I encourage you to notice the little things in everyone you meet. Their smile. What lifts them up. What makes their heart sing. How hard they work. How they get through a day. Celebrate their strengths Show them you care Acknowledge them. Notice them. Lean in. Listen completely.  Praise their hard work. Compliment their... Continue Reading →

How do I motivate myself when I feel completely lost?

JUST SHOW UP The word motivation stems from the Latin word "movere" which means to move. Which is why MOMENTUM is such a powerful force when it comes to motivation. Motivation doesn’t happen before the creative act — it happens during. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYWHVvKW4GY Small steps.Day by day.Week by week.Moving you forward.Closer to your dreams.Just show up.... Continue Reading →

Trust in the Divine Timing Of Your Life

FEAR MAKES BAD DECISIONS was the “hot topic” during coffee talk today. Hot enough to write today's blog post. Blog discussions are the next best thing to sharing a cup of coffee after all. I hope this message speaks directly to your heart. And reminds you that the still small voice within you always knows what to... Continue Reading →

Stop Complaining. Start Changing.

“Go 24 hours without complaining and watch your life start changing.” The next time you’re tempted to complain about the same thing over and over again, direct that same frustrated energy into your highest, loftiest goals. Consciously swap one complaint for one baby step towards your dreams. Same energy required. Magically different results.    To view the... Continue Reading →

How do you prepare for work each day?

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." I value positivity and a sense of security in the classroom, above all else. For it is only when students feel safe, supported, and uplifted are they motivated to learn. Creating a harmonious classroom atmosphere happens long before the school bell rings. Which is why... Continue Reading →

Face It – You are Strong!

Everything you're afraid of - you've already experienced. Afraid of commitment? You've been dumped. Afraid of failure? You've failed. Afraid of rejection? You've been rejected. Afraid of being broke? You've been without money. Fill in the blanks for me.. Afraid of being _________? You've been _________. And then vow to erase that fear in your... Continue Reading →

Are you left brain or right brain dominant?

Psychology Class This post is a summary of a psychology lecture and Chapter 2 in my psychology textbook. Free Psychology Chapter If you want to learn more about this topic, you can download a free PDF of my neuroscience and behaviour chapter by clicking on this link. Understanding Individual Differences Have you ever wondered how your best friend... Continue Reading →

What will you focus on today?

Choice is a powerful tool when it comes to stress perception. What we give attention to grows. Which is why we must make the conscious decision to talk about our blessings more than our challenges. Our strengths more than our stressors. Our excitement more than our fears. Our possibilities more than our problems. Every day is... Continue Reading →

Change your life. Five minutes at a time.

 Are you tired of doing the same old, same old? Are you ready to end the repetitive cycles in your life? Is it time for a change? But .....  you.....  don't.....  have...  time... Surrender your fears, your resistance, your excuses. Change need not be overwhelming. Start small. End Big. Little changes make a big difference. They add... Continue Reading →

Lay down your burdens.

No more futile tests. No more unrelenting trials. No more self inflicted tribulations. Lay down your burdens. Let. Them. Go. Take a breath. Take a rest. You have strengthened from your burdens. You have overcome great obstacles. You have developed. You have grown. You have earned your freedom ten times over. Trust your wisdom. Trust your wings.... Continue Reading →

Teaching Stress Resilience at School

We all have stress. It’s a universal human experience. The key is to not let stress become our identity. Instead, with an open mindset and the right set of resilience skills we have the opportunity to reach a whole new level of purpose and well-being. How can educators help foster stress resilience in their students? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUh9qqA0x3Y&t=410s Stress... Continue Reading →

Is Happiness a Choice?

The Happiness Question Have you ever wondered why some people remain upbeat and positive despite the chaos that surrounds them while others are utterly miserable even in good times?  What explains the difference between these two groups of individuals? Are happy people just lucky people born happy? And unhappy people born miserable?  Or is happiness... Continue Reading →

Let peace begin with me

So much happens in the course of a day that is beyond our control. 100 ways to respond.  Only 1 way that feels right. Overslept. Choose peace. Ran out of coffee. Choose peace. Stuck in traffic. Choose peace. Missed a deadline. Choose peace. Technology overload. Choose peace. Nonstop meetings. Choose peace. Bossy coworker. Choose peace. Burnt dinner. Choose peace.... Continue Reading →

To change your life, change your habits.

 What’s the one habit you have been vowing to change for good? What are you waiting for? The right time? The right place? The right person? Today I challenge you to wait no more. For now is the right time. For here is the right place. And YOU are the right person.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rUWGr_GwzhM&app=m&persist_app=1 Helpful Video:... Continue Reading →

I’ve never met a strong person with an easy past

Strength is hard won. No one can buy it for you. Give it to you. Leave it for you in their will. Strength is built from challenge, from difficulty, from overcoming. When you deprive someone of life's ordinary trials and tribulations by rescuing them each time they fall, you deprive them of their strength, their resilience,... Continue Reading →

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