Directory of Bloggers on Social Media.

Expanding Our WordPress Writing Community.


Connecting - Sharing - Expanding

The Power of Community

This post is an opportunity for you to share all the wonderful things that you’re doing as a writer on the world wide web.

Including your: WordPress. LinkedIn. Pinterest. Google+. Facebook. Snap Chat. Twitter. Instagram. YouTube. Vimeo. etc.

Please share in the comments below.

Our highest mission is to support each other.


Dr. Andrea's Resources to Share

Social Media and Writing Sites

  1. WordPress:
  2. Instagram:  @DrADinardo
  3. Twitter: @DrADinardo
  4. LinkedIn:
  5. The Drive Magazine: PSYCH DRIVE Psychology Column
  6. YouTube Channel: Click Here

YouTube Playlists:

1. Psychology Tips Playlist, includes 50 psychology videos so far, updated weekly.

2. TEDx University of Windsor  Playlist, includes all 8 TEDx talks from the Diamonds from Pressure TEDx official event that I presented at in 2018.

Your Resources to Share

Your Turn

I see the amazing work you do.

It’s time for the rest of the world to see too.

Share in comments below.

Add WordPress site too!

Sharing is Caring! 

83 thoughts on “Directory of Bloggers on Social Media.

Add yours

  1. Hi Dr. Dinardo:

    I hope my blogs of peace-seeking (armchair zen), philosophy of life lived simply and purposefully, and love of photography may bring joy to others.
    “Sasha Of The Chukchi Sea” is a fictional serial. An amateur swing at a novel.
    Thanks for sponsoring the invite!

    Seek peace,


    1. My pleasure Miriam! I remember a fellow blogger creating a post like this when I started blogging a few years ago, and I figured it was my time to pay it forward and connect all the wonderful people, like you, that spark ideas deep in my creative soul. Have a great Friday Miriam! xo

  2. Hello Andrea, Thanks for doing this!

    My WordPress blog is

    Facebook: or search for @livingabetterlifeblog
    Twitter: or search for @livingabetter
    Pinterest: or search for Livingabetterlifeblog

    My topics are Positive Psychology, Simple Living, and Good Food.

    My latest post is The No Snivelling Rule and Self-Compassion.

    1. Most excellent! On all levels Dr. G!

      And please also add a second comment with all your author links.

      Your publications inspire us WordPress writers to take it to the NEXT LEVEL!


    1. Most excellent! Please reply back with the link to your blog “I Tripped Over a Stone” to make it easier for readers to find you. Feel free to include additional resources, links etc. that you’d like to highlight.

      1. Praise His Holy name, I am so in awe of His love, I fall more and more every day! Such love is meant to be shared! ❤
        Thank you, my dear sister in Christ! 🙂

  3. Thank you so much for this opportunity to spot light my blog for a minute or two, Doc. It’s very kind of you.

    In my opinion, this is my best recent relatively short post. “Love Held Between the Teeth of Good and Evil” — a much lighter than it looks post asking a lot of fun to ponder questions but without providing any answers. Lively prose, beautiful, touching imagery.

    In my opinion, this is my best poem I have ever written. “A Death in the Spring”. A novella-length poem closely based on a murder I was an intimate witness to. The poem is not the darkest thing you will ever read, but I would defy anyone to prove it is not an ancient Greek tragedy in both spirit and essential elements. Don’t expect a lot of tears. I tried to avoid making it bathos material. But do expect an engaging, controversial, and possibly terrifying look at the nature and core of evil.

  4. Loved this motivational video Andrea but taking even one step at a time is hard for me I guess.
    I have no master plan with my blog as with a lot of aspects in my life.
    I feel I am gaining self awareness from my blog and interestingly enough some fellow bloggers comment on how I have inspired them.
    I am on Facebook but hesitant to share my blog on that platform. Just thought now perhaps a group would be worth considering. Thanks as ever for sowing the seed.
    Enjoy your weekend 🌹

    1. Hello Margaret!

      Thank you for watching my latest psychology video. 🙏💙

      When one step at a time is too much — go for one inch at a time. An approach I had to use myself in my early thirties. A tough but eventually illuminating time for me. Something I hope for you too, one day soon. ☀️


      Don’t forget to share the link to your blog below. You will find an incredible group of loving and supportive followers in my 3,600+ blogging community.

      Together we are better.
      Andrea 💞

  5. I am fairly new to blogging – having just recently marked my one year blogiversary (Thanks, V.J., for introducing me to that term!). I discontinued Facebook a few years ago as it was so filled with negativity and bluster. Blogging has been much more fun! And such a supportive community as well.
    My blog:

    Thanks, Andrea, for providing this opportunity to share!

  6. Oh what a great idea. Something I’ve started doing is closing my social media accounts because I feel they are too distracting and also sometimes a cause of stress. I kept my LinkedIn one for business reasons. Even that sometimes causes angst because of my old connections from the job I was laid off from of 17 years. So I think a clean break is a good thing. My WP is the only place I really share anymore. I love that you are brave enough to keep up all the social media accounts. I love what you do. ❤ Have a super weekend 🙂

    1. Hi MichelleMarie, like you I enjoy WordPress and the endless positivity found here. I have to admire your self-awareness and self-care in recognising what social media works for you and what social media for you, is best to avoid. Le grà, Marie xx

      1. Failte Marie,
        Thank you for your recent like on my comment. Nice to meet you here and really enjoyed reading your profile but to my dismay there at the end was the dreaded gravatar sign in which I did and updated my pic at the same time. As usual I didnt know what to do next. At least this time I didnt panic on seeing the gravatar sign. In a nutshell Marie would it be possible to enlighten me on the benefits of doing something with Gravatar from your viewpoint? Thanks.

        1. You are welcome Margaret and I’m glad you enjoyed your visit. I wish I could enlighted you but I’m far from enlightened myself. As far as I am aware it is just an avatar, symbol, icon, photo to represent our site. Maybe others will join in and enlighten both of us! Slàn. Marie xx

          1. Thanks Marie,
            After all that faffing around I was already registered. I think, as often with word press gravitatar etc pops up every now and again to inadvertently reassure us we are sane 🌞

            1. My Irish is just coupla fochail (a few words) Margaret, you said “enjoy the day.” We use the word ‘taitneamh’ to say… “ta an griain ag taitneanh” or the sun is shining. So your message literally it says ‘shining you take from the day’…nice isn’t it! Xx

      2. Hello and thank you for your kind comment. I totally am self aware but I wasn’t always. I avoid the news as well so I stay mostly positive I think we can control what we take in so I do. Also it helps to stay in my creative space! Thank you for your comment I’ll be over to visit you Michelle 🙂

        1. You’re welcome Michelle! I agree that self-awareness is a process and like you I take news fasts. I look forward to enjoying your company! Le grà, Marie xx

  7. Thank you for your willingness to support and promote other writers Andrea. Personally, I’m pulling back on social media and marketing. May you and others thrive in your promotion.

    1. I love it! Sharing IS caring.

      I am so delighted that you’re sharing all the wonderful spots that you are writing. I find that an idea will spark in one spot and move its’ way back to WordPress. I look forward to checking out all your accounts!

      Thanks VJ!

  8. Hi, Andrea, thanks for this lovely and generous idea! This is a great way to focus on the positive aspects of social media. Here are some of my links—all are focused on kindness.
    Twitter: @DonnaJCameron
    Facebook Author Page:

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