Self-Talk That Lifts You Up

“Be mindful of your self-talk. It’s your conversation with the universe.”

As humans, we can’t help but look to the next rung on the ladder.

Forgetting the 100 rungs we have already climbed.

Today’s Psychology Challenge

Take note of the trail behind you.

The hard work.

The success.

The heartbreak.

The soul awakenings.

The overcoming.

The disappointments.

The miracles.


Instead of focusing on how far you have yet to go.



Remember how far you have come.

Psychology Resource

Anxiety Solutions: including self-talk


Dr. Garland and I begin this portion of Mental Health Matters with an exploration of the gut—brain connection in situational anxiety and stress. Specifically: Serotonin. Next, we discuss empowering anxiety solutions: mindfulness, structure, self-talk, Hebb’s Law, and time limits. Ultimately, coming to the conclusion that our minds are a powerful force for healing and growth. The key is remembering to Catch, Pause, and Repair daily.

Your Turn

  1. Can you relate to the examples shared in the video? If yes, how do the anxiety solutions we discussed empower you?
  2. Do you use self-talk to calm your mind or motivate yourself?  If yes, please include your favourite mantra or affirmation in the comments.

41 thoughts on “Self-Talk That Lifts You Up

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  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read the post, watch the video, and reflect on the parts of it all that hit home. Especially the conversation with Kathy! I often tell her that she is my co-professor on this topic because so many Canadian students have watched and listened to her mental health matters podcast on this topic. 🎙️📕♥️

  2. This, “Be mindful of your self-talk…” so spot-on! Your conversation with Kathy on situational anxiety is so insightful and relatable, especially, the gut—brain connection… Thank you!

    1. Thank you for watching and for taking the time to reflect and comment on the parts of our mental health matters conversation that hit home for you.

      Love that you captured the phrase in the video “Now I’m saying yes to what I want”.

      The intro to the video was filmed in 2023, and the mental health segment was filmed in 2020, 3 years ago this summer — I said that statement.

      I continue to chip away at the parts of life that no longer serve me and the people I love. A continual process of letting go and surrendering.. Your comment is a wink from the universe to keep creating space for what matters.

      Happy Easter Christy!


    1. You have captured the essence and importance of REFLECTION in one sentence. Thank you Sue! Looking back on how far WE HAVE COME is as important as imagining what’s next. And the only way to do that is sit still and Just Be Here Now. 🧘🤍

  3. “Ultimately, coming to the conclusion that our minds are a powerful force for healing and growth. The key is remembering to Catch, Pause, and Repair daily.” – Love this!!!! If we knew how powerful our thoughts are to our bodies, we would never have another negative one.

    1. Oh my goodness!

      Reading your comment FELT LIKE A DOUBLE HIGH FIVE.

      This is the CATCH PAUSE REPAIR I was referring to:

      A keynote ^ I did at the healthy workplace awards.

      Thank you for the burst of energy, faith, and confidence.

      Your words are exactly the world needs right now.

      Reflection and Reflecting on our Inner Divinity.

  4. I will figure this out. This is one of my favorite mantras and I say it often. I am so happy to have finally learned that this doesn’t mean I have to figure it out on my own. I am so much better at asking for help than I used to be.
    I think your reminder to notice how far you have come is essential to keep the energy going when times get tough.

    1. Thank you Ali! For the mantra and for the reminder that no one needs “to do this world” alone. A hard life lesson that many of us don’t come to until we are on our knees. A surrendering that is built in to everyone’s journey. Sometimes it’s acquiescing to our partners, to our work, to our faith — whatever it is, it’s incredibly freeing when we wake up and realize that life is not only about giving help, but receiving it too. Wishing you a long weekend filled with love and peace.

  5. Self talk is so important. We can keep ourselves afloat, up and running or bring ourselves to a complete halt. Thank you for the infuse of inspiration, Dr. D 🙏🏽🌞💫☺️

    1. My pleasure Syl! Simply seeing you here on my blog, infuses me with so much energy. Fully circle inspiration! Grateful for you and all you bring to each day. Happy Easter to you and your family ♥️ Dr. D

  6. The ladder analogy strikes a chord with me today. Working with so many newcomers and their particular brands of anxiety, I find that my life experience – those rungs I have conquered – help me stay calm in the certainty that they too can overcome.

    1. What a gift you are giving to the newcomers to Canada.

      And I hear what you are saying — loud and clear. This is why I put myself into uncomfortable situations outside of my day job.

      It reminds me to have patience and compassion for brand new students every semester.

      If I have no clue every time I begin a new project or workout or adventure, then why would anyone else when they are starting on the first rung of any ladder.

      And equally VJ as you reflected: ‘these rungs you have conquered” not only bring you calm, it brings them (and me) calm too.

      Because every single day something new is coming our way.

      Cheers to a long holiday weekend of REST.

      Not only in spirit — but in thought.

      ‘Insert deep breath here’ xo 🌳🌷💕

  7. Thank you for your wonderfully positive energy! How many times have I worried about something that worked out just fine? Enough times to learn to trust the timing, and God has a plan. Yes, I made mistakes, but I learned and learned well. Then, I say all the things I’m thankful for, because my life is so much better now than it was.

    1. I can relate! A daily surrendering. . to a higher divine plan. The outside anxiety provoking stimulus HITS and it takes the strength of Hercules to pause, be still, and surrender. And sometimes the space in between requires a strategy.

      In addition to the one I shared in this conversation with Dr. Garland back in 2020, shared in this post. It’s also something I continue to fine tune personally.

      In this video I share all the ways I calm my soul and soothe my nerves during intense times. Including following the mantra written on the chalkboard at the end of a nursing midterm:

      The deeper the breath.
      The deeper the peace.

  8. Dr. D! I love that this is the gift (of COVID) that keeps on giving. I know this isn’t your point, but our video collaboration is proof that when you trust your authentic self, then good things happen and you make the world a little bit brighter.

    During that time, we were in the throes of the pandemic, and like many people, I was trying to figure some things out lol You helped me to identify something that I’d lived with for so long but didn’t know how to name. Naming things is important. That’s how you heal (ultimately).

    Anywho, by choosing to ask a real question, and because you’re authentically you (you’re always gonna answer a real question), this video and its contents were born.

    Sending you all the love, light, and manifestations Dr. D! I feel a Canada trip coming on soon 😉

    1. Thank you so much for being so generous and vulnerable!

      I have had so many conversations and interviews about mental health since 2020 began and ours is the one that hits home the most.

      Especially when it comes to AUTHENTICITY. It is a word I began to hear constantly after Brene Brown’s TED Talk on the Power of Vulnerability went viral .

      I opened myself up LITERALLY to it because of your writing Dr. G.

      And now I see and feel the word authenticity as OPEN HEARTED COURAGE.

      Looking forward to the next level of authenticity, courage, vulnerability, on your FREEDOM TOUR.

      In Canada, USA, and the Planet Venus and Beyond.

      Your words and our friendship have helped me live more bravely in my writing, teaching, and speaking.

      Keep writing and sharing Dr. G. 💜🕺 I am listening.

    1. Thank you so much, Cindy!

      Dr. Garland aka Dr. G and I first met on WordPress years ago and frequently had discussions about psychology, stress, and anxiety.

      Including the topic of Stress Thresholds, also called “Window of Tolerance”:

      This led to an invitation by her to be interviewed as a psychology expert for her Mental Health Matters Series:

      And then write for her Navigating the Change Project:

      Mental Health as You Age

      Similar to how we first met Cindy — the WordPress blogging platform is an incredible way to connect and build a network of fabulous people.

      Have a wonderful start to Easter!

  9. What a wonderfully uplifting post and conversation you had with Dr G. We’re all prone to anxieties, to slips and falls. I love what you said about honouring the steps and the pain of others but not staying there with them. What a motivating and wise teacher you are.

    My mantra? Hmm not sure but my inner compass tells me that everything happens for a reason. And that we’re all exactly where we’re meant to be. So perhaps it’s simply accepting the now.

    Sending love, gratitude and hugs across the ocean. xx

    1. Miriam, thank you so much for taking the time to watch read and reflect.

      This helps me build on concepts that resonate with people for future videos, blog posts, and collaborations.

      Enjoy your weekend in Australia sending so much love from Canada!

  10. Full of wisdom Andrea.. and all week I have been breathing in the peace.. Thank you for ALL you share….
    My mantra is “All is Well in my World…” taken from Louise Hays book, You Can Heal Your Life.. that helped serve my well being many moons ago..

    Sending Love and Gratitude ❤

    1. “All is well in my world.” 🌏♥️
      Thank you for remind me of my origin story when it comes to affirmations and loving self-talk.
      Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss and so many Hay House authors permeate my writing, speaking, and teaching.
      Feeling the love Sue. In your words and in your generous actions here and on your blog.
      Grateful for you!

      1. All three authors you’ve mentioned also on my bookshelves Andrea.. 😀

        Great teaches on the focus of attention and INTENTION.
        Many thanks to you Andrea, 😊 😍
        for all your positive posts and insights xx

  11. Really uplifting. I especially like the idea of honoring where you’ve been, and how far you’ve come. That takes courage. And culturally we’re constantly prodded to face forward and keep going. Your conversation with Dr. Garland was very insightful.

    1. The way you worded your reflection on this blog post has me digging even deeper on the concept of “blooming where you are planted” 🌷

      Thank you for this Dayle and for the reminder that “hustle” is a cultural phenomenon, not a divine calling.

      I also appreciate that you took the time to watch the video on Anxiety Relief Techniques. It’s an excerpt from a larger project and video podcast interview.

      Dr. Garland won a major award for her Mental Health Matters blogging and video series and has been very generous in sharing it not only with my students but also with the entire student body at the college I work via our Student Leadership Council.

      Wishing you an April filled with rest, hope, and relaxation.

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