Don’t let people talk you out of your happiness

If you are lucky enough to find joy in the course of a day: keep it to yourself. At least until you find the courage to radiate, illuminate, and enjoy life on your terms. 

Skip through the streets.

Start a blog.

Swing in a park.

Dance at the gym.

Watch movies on repeat.

Don’t let people talk you out of your happiness.

Whatever makes you smile, giggle, and dance.

Whatever makes your heart skip a beat.

Whatever makes you levitate.

No matter when. No matter how.

The world needs your joy.

The universe needs your light.

The world needs your brand of happiness.

It is time to silence the happiness critics in your life.

At least in your mind. Forever in your heart.

“It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.”

Embrace happiness whole heartedly.

16 thoughts on “Don’t let people talk you out of your happiness

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  1. This is great. I agree 100%. When I finally decided to follow my true passion by seriously pursuing my writing, I had a lot of hesiation in sharing. Once I was more confident, I began sharing with those I knew would be supportive. I have received some negativity and backlash from people, but I’m passed caring, because my happiness matters more to me than anyone’s opinion, and writing makes me happy!

    1. Amen to that! Happiness is your highest calling. Their will always be doubters & haters. But ultimately their doubt is about them not you. And trust me when I write – the only thing you’ll ever get from me is positivity & encouragement. (I bet the same for you.) It’s just how we roll… 🙂

  2. This post is so meaningful! So many people need to hear this message. We live in a culture where being happy is going against the grain. Putting up with unhappiness day in and day out is seen as morally strong, for whatever reason. Time to change that! Really glad you made this into a post so more people could see it Dr. Dinardo!

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