Change your life. Five minutes at a time.

 Are you tired of doing the same old, same old?

Are you ready to end the repetitive cycles in your life?

Is it time for a change?

But …..  you…..  don’t…..  have…  time…


Surrender your fears, your resistance, your excuses.

Change need not be overwhelming.

Start small. End Big.

Little changes make a big difference.

They add up over time.

And ultimately have more staying power.


Where to start?

Begin the transformation process with a daily habit.

Something that you do automatically – without thinking.

Start with what’s right in front of you.

Literally in the palm of your hand.

Put your phone down. Look up. Breathe in deeply. For five minutes at a time.

Use a random interval timer on your phone to cue change.

Every time you hear it beep – take a full on tech break.

A spa session for the mind.

A hello to the world moment.

A reminder to seek joy.

Out of the fog of technology into the luminescence of reality.

Time to breathe deeply.

To stretch fully.

To grab life by the horns.


What five minute change will you make today?

70 thoughts on “Change your life. Five minutes at a time.

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  1. Very nice post thank you Dr Dinardo.
    I love your 15 action points and number 9 is one I think would be a wonderful one to do…
    Di 💐✨✨

  2. What fabulous motivation – thank you.

    It’s strange how the ‘messages’ flow in when we start a course of action. I’ve recently set up a new 90 Day Habit Changing Challenge linked to a Facebook Community Group to offer support, tips and tools to other people wanting to take up the Brilliance Within 90 day changing habit challenge.

    Would you mind if I put a link to this post as it fits perfectly with chunking down small habit changes into taking action every day without fail.. I’d also like to re-blog too if that’s ok?

    1. Thank you so much Wendy!

      Please go ahead and reblog and share the link. I would be honoured if you shared my post with your facebook & wordpress readers.

      The format for your habit changing program sounds really good. Baby steps -> Flow & long-term sustainability.✅

      1. Brilliant – thanks so much!! I really appreciate it and my favourite saying is ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’.. I quote it to myself and others often! x

          1. Me too… Thanks for highlighting the problem with the facebook and wordpress links. You’re right they weren’t working. I’m not sure whether now I’ve gone self hosted, it stops the re-blog from showing up. I could see the start of the post on Facebook but clicking on it just said page not found. The only way I’ve been able to get round it, is to write a blog post and include a reference and link to your post within it. I hope that’s still ok with you but this seemed like the only option.. Hopefully you feel the post I’ve written is an appropriate match to your own post. On facebook, I’ve got a facebook page called Brilliance Within where this will show up too. Thanks again and have a great day xx

  3. A wonderful post, full of so much motivation. I love your statement that little changes can make a big difference. We often get stuck in a rut and feel we can never get out but one small change could be all it takes for us to find our traction to take off on a brand new path. Now – time for me to pick the first small change to be made!

  4. I love the idea of setting phone alarms as a reminder. So often, I think we start out with good intentions about remaining positive but forget throughout the day. Thanks for the idea!

    1. Amen Jerry! It’s so tempting to get caught up in planning and wishing for the “big moments in life” but when we do – we lose out on all there is & ever was. This moment. Now.💫

    1. Go for it JoAnna! The washroom at one of my favourite restaurant has a “You are beautiful.” sticker affixed to the mirror. A small kind gesture that creates a big impact in my day. No matter what. The words get me out of my head and into the heartbeat of the moment. Every single time. (BTW JoAnna you are beautiful. Inside &’out.) 💖💫

  5. Firstly, apologies for a long absence. Secondly, thanks for your visits to my place. Thirdly , yes to this! Change in small, incremental steps is sustainable and powerful 🙂

    1. Amen to “Change in small, incremental steps is sustainable and powerful.” Well said! Today I choose to focus on the ground beneath me instead of the air between my ears (aka useless, repetitive thoughts). A small sustainable change that brings so much peace & calm. You? 🌳💚

  6. I’m transitioning to a new website at the moment, but should have it up, with a link back to you, by the end of the week. Thank you for your generosity in sharing.

  7. I’v been working on this approach, in one way or another, for years. I love the way it’s expressed here, and would be honored to reblog this, with your permission. )

  8. This is AWESOME! 🙂

    I just made an acronym for my name- ALL POSITIVE!
    Then I stretched my arms…. and made a deep breathe!

    And I FEEL GOOD!

    Thank you!!! 🙂

  9. Love this! I am a firm believer in “Try Something New.” It shakes up our routine and gets us thinking in new ways. You are so right . . . tiny changes make for big changes that can move us into entirely different worlds of happiness and joy. Thanks for sharing!

      1. “Snap out of it” is a good one! Someone taught me to just stop for a minute and think: “what are my options?” Sometimes I get so caught up in what I’m doing that I forget that I can make another choice. I bet “Snap out of it” does the same for you!

    1. Thanks for the feedback! If anyone knows about being pressed for time.. it’s you! The bonus is that you can also suggest it to change resistant patients. Small successes do wonders for motivation to change.

  10. Love this, Andrea! You have such a great message. One step at a time.

    I’m going to Philly for the day and to attend a ministers meeting (I’m a minister in an alternative spiritual group). So big tech break ahead!

    Blessings and much love 💜

    1. Love that the post motivated you to take a mini tech break. Especially considering all of your responsibilities this week. After just a few minutes, I I bet you’ll end up with even more creative ideas than usual. Enjoy your trip!🌷

  11. Excellent advice. I am always working to be more mindful of this, with varying success. Perhaps, this method might be a good one!

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