5 Steps to Thriving based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

In this psychology video I share 5 Steps to Thriving Under Pressure using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

Reflection Questions

  1. Which deficiency needs (physiological, safety) are currently met vs. unmet?
  2. Which growth needs (love and belonging, self-esteem, love and belonging) pull you forward?
  3. How do you define self-actualization? Share an example, including hopes and aspirations for your life?
  4. When and where did you first learn about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? What sticks out for you the most?
  5. What is your takeaway from this psychology blog post and video?

23 thoughts on “5 Steps to Thriving based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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  1. This is such an important topic, and it hasn’t had nearly enough attention in popular media. Thank you for recording this – I have taken the liberty of sharing it to my Resilience site in the Wellbeing category 😀

    Please keep vlogging!


    1. Thank you for sharing with your readers Dr. Kerri! I’m already thinking about the next psychological theory I am going to deconstruct via VLOGGING — your encouragement helps get me there! 🎥 🖤

  2. I enjoyed your vlog Andrea, and I’m looking forward to more interesting theories explained in simple accessible English! I look forward to sharing this with my students next week. Thank you. X

      1. You are so welcome Andrea! I believe positive and constructive feedback are so important for motivation and development and I’m glad that taking a few moments to respond to your vlog post could be so helpful to you! Xx

  3. I love this info graphic. It occurs to me that in places where people do not have the privilege of freedom that more developed countries enjoy, how can they ever self actualize? I also wonder about “reproduction” as a physiological need, and wonder if “control of one’s reproduction” may be a better description? For someone like me, who has never wanted to have children, the freedom NOT to reproduce has been critical to my own self actualization.

      1. Well I’m late on this comment, so I will refer to today. I am focusing on self actualization. I have a solid view for the most part, of my purpose and I am working towards my goals and dreams. But, like in the past, I am distracted by things daily, and have to remind myself of what it is I am trying to accomplish. It can be hard. I am the person that others come to for insight, and have to remind myself to take my own advice, and not underestimate my value. It’s definitely a process.

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