International Women’s Day: Who Inspires You?


#internationalwomensday #rolemodel

Growing up my Mom, my mentor, and the first psychologist in our family, didn’t talk a lot about women’s empowerment.

— She lived it.

Gracefully. Quietly. Courageously.

Today, and all days, I am grateful for a role model who began her journey from challenge to strength with incredible will and a heart of power.


A first time mother at 18 years old, the jumping off point for all that would unfold.

“How did you do it?” I ask frequently to this day.

A single mom in her twenties.

One of few women working on our street.

Criticized openly for leaving her kids during the week and going back to graduate school in her 40s.

I lean in often for her wisdom, inquiring:

“How did you rise above all the naysayers and critics?”


Her response:

When you really, really want something Andrea, you become singularly focused, no time, no energy, for anything else (4 kids keep you busy).

“Sure it hurt, she says.”

”But my mission was always greater than my misery. And this is when I knew what I was truly meant to do.”

Everything else became white noise.


A teacher, a leader, and a mother who teaches me how to live with equal parts grace, fortitude, and tenderness.

Someone who shows me how to pay my good fortune forward.

Every chance WE get. 💃❤️💃

Who inspires you today?

43 thoughts on “International Women’s Day: Who Inspires You?

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  1. A beautiful share Andrea and so lovely to learn more about you and your amazing mum – a role model for sure, and you pay it forward in every post and I for one are thankful! I’ve stopped in to wish you a wonderful St.Patrick’s day! Le grà, Marie xx

    1. This from the QUOTE genius herself! Thank you!

      I will pass your good vibes on to my Mom.. the other Dr. in the family! What a trio the 3 of us would make!

      And.. perhaps.. even better yet… have a some quote t-shirts made with Mission > misery printed on! Now that would be an awesome surprise.

      Have a great night Dr. G!
      You just made mine

  2. Dear daughter:
    Your words brought happiness tears to my eyes & fond memories of
    years gone by.

    Who inspires me? Well, you do in so many ways,–the creative ways you give back to everyone, the determination you had to overcome the difficult challenges in your life, the passion you have and give to your students, your openness, your ❤️ of nature and life itself, your caring ways, your energy and laughter and the list
    goes on. One word “gratitude ” and inspiration knowing that everyday how blessed I am.

    It seems to be that we have come full circle and as it was said in the movie
    “The Lion King” the circle of life is our destiny. Simply, your mom

    1. Good Evening Mom aka Dr. Di 💗

      So much love and joy in your note! Awesome quote! Thank you for being you! And for joining in this beautiful conversation.

      Coincidentally, I was giving my positive psychology talk at the exact time you posted this note, 8 hours ago.

      I spoke of the importance of challenge and adversity (as you write above) as our elevator to our ultimate destiny.

      Stay tuned for more in the upcoming YouTube Video.

      Sleep tight!

      Love Andy xo


  3. Your mother strikes me as admirable in the fullest sense of that word. Inspiring, too.

    My own mother has been the most inspiring person in my life.

    Recently, I’ve become quite interested in Anais Nin.

    1. Thank you Paul! For sharing your reflections on this post (my mom will be lifted up by your words!) and equally by writing about the women in your life who inspire you. Wishing you a weekend filled with good memories, great conversations, and inspiring time with your Mom.

      1. Your description of your mother made me wish I knew her. I like people like her. They’re the sort who enrich your life.

        My own mom died three years ago. But please – no need to feel sad about it — she lived to 99. As a friend said, “She had a good run”.

        I posted a poem about her to commemorate Women’s Month. If you’re curious:

    1. Happy IWD to you too Brigid! It feels truly international when I know I’m conversing with a beautiful lady like you, from Ireland. How cool is that! And thank you for your reflections on my mom.. Canadian spelling 😉 and our shared traits. As always, you warm my heart. xo

  4. Wow, Andrea. Your mom is an incredible woman. Thank you for sharing her nuggets of wisdom—I am so inspired by her story. And, that Rumi quote is exquisite. A new one for me!

    BTW I’m a minister in an alternative spiritual organization, and I have a spiritual blessing as part of the ordination. The word “knowing” is mentioned FOUR times!

    Blessings to you Andrea. So glad that you’re here on WordPress, you really uplift the community.

    1. My Mom & I are blessed by you Debbie!

      We’ve had a strong spiritual connection and a “knowing” we are being guided for many , many years.

      And the fact that you picked up how the word knowing in this piece was repeated four times incredible!

      Congratulations on your new minister position. A woman empowered indeed! 💞💗

    1. Thanks VJ! She was born and raised in London, Ontario – not far from you. Two great ladies with a big heart and a strong intellect. No wonder I have connected so wonderfully with you! #kindredspirits xo

  5. Happy Womens day. Your mum is fabulous and so is her advice. I have noticed that sometimes single minded, focus, rather than wasting energy everywhere else really is the way to live, otherswise you get side tracked.

    Great posts.

  6. I’m inspired by the high school students (females and males) who are becoming thoughtful, well-informed activists to enact sane gun laws and protect our environment. I just hope we listen to them.

  7. I love that, “everything else is white noise.” I need to remember that. There are many women I look up to. I’ve really had to blaze my own trail for the last 20 years… who inspires me? Let’s just say, I agree with your mom. There is a lot of white noise in my life right now. I respect many others. Inspiration is hard earned. Great post! Your mom is the bomb! I can see why she is an inspiration!!! xo

    1. Your reply brought laughter and the biggest smile! My mom is da’ bomb! Running. Dancing. Laughing. Reading. Sharing. Inspiring. Just like YOU. Joy is our mission. Everything else is white noise! xoxo

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