I believe in you.

As a psychology professor and former school psychologist, I talk about mental health issues with students every single day.

My classroom is a safe place for students to be themselves.

Which is critical when working with youth (18-24) who represent the highest proportion of individuals with mental illness.

Education helps bridge the gap between fear and freedom.

And so does an open heart. And an open mind.

I believe in my students. In their potential. In their dreams.

I believe in their ability to overcome challenge, adversity, and self-stigma.


Students need my support and encouragement.

And an educational community that truly cares.

Because self-stigma is real. 

And often more silencing than social stigma.

Because sharing our story is one of the scariest and most liberating things we’ll ever do.

Be it about mental illness or another vulnerable part of our lives.

Which is why the best place to open up the conversation about mental illness is to meet students where they are.

These are their words.


 Ontario student mental health helpline ⇒ Visit Good2Talk.ca

18 thoughts on “I believe in you.

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  1. I used to feel that was all the time (referring to your graphic). I think the work you do is very inspiring and very important 🙂

  2. It is wonderful there are good people out there like you educating in terms of leading out of unique spirits what they have been put on earth to give. Education fails when it tries to fill what it sees as ‘an empty bucket’. A good teacher is a gift beyond words to this planet. ❤

    1. Thank you Raili! This was one of my top motivations for moving from full-time psychologist to full-time professor. Teaching psychology to 400-500 students a year allows me to address sigma head on. In the best way I know how. Open-ended conversations in a safe and supportive setting. We all have something to learn. Including me. #AlwaysGrowing 🍃

  3. “Because sharing our story is one of the scariest and most liberating things we can do.” Writing this deep into my heart. Thank you for reminder.

  4. Thank you for believing in your students. Everyone needs a champion. Especially in moments of doubt. And you’ve been that person for so many of your students. Even in the short time we have met, I can tell you have an amazing ability to not only see, but to pull out the best in others, and I think that’s incredible.

    1. Thank you! It was such a pleasure meeting you at TEDx in January. I am really enjoying your blog. A beautiful combination of your personal experience and your major in psychology. I hope to cross paths again soon at the university.

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