The Sweet Spot

Nowhere else to be

That moment in the day when you realize you have arrived.

And the most interesting part is that you haven’t gone anywhere.

Instead, you finally come home to the present moment.

The here and now.

The sweet spot. The only place there is.

26 thoughts on “The Sweet Spot

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  1. When I look around me, which is often, and pause and just love all I have already in my life, including the easy and not so easy. Lovely post Andrea. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hello Dr Dinardo,
    Thank you for referring me to this post of yours. You are right, I did enjoy it.
    The sweet spot is such a lovely title for the present moment where we are fully focused on what we are doing. For me, to answer your question, when time just melts away and hours go past within what seems like seconds…
    Another wonderful post, thank you.
    Di 💕🌹

  3. My sweet spot is at the closing of the day I go through every detail those that seemed fleeting such as the cleaner who cleans the street i acknowledge him then and now with thank you. I enjoy doing this it keeps me humble and in the attitude of being ever grateful for every miniscule thing…

  4. Nice article and a beautiful reminder to live life fully by not regretting the past, feeling only this moment, and not worrying about the future.

  5. Lovely article!

    My own latest sweet spot was at the weekend sitting in the garden with a book with the birds singing, the breeze gently moving the Japanese maple next to me and the sun warming my toes (the rest of me in the shade haha). I cloud watched for a while and allowed myself to just be. It was a perfect moment.

    1. Sweet spot indeed! I feel like there with you!

      Nature provides instantaneous access to the present moment. Always beckoning. Always inviting us in.

      Just one glance at the majestic blue spruce outside my office window and my thoughts stop and are replaced by the infinite possibilities of a clear blue sky.

      Thank you for sharing! Nature is the sweetest spot of all.🌲🌿

  6. A great reminder of a brilliant way to live life i.e. not regretting the past, not worrying about the future and enjoying this very moment. I’ve had some recent reminders about how precious life is and can change in an instant. It’s something I’d started to forget as I was so wrapped up in working longer and longer hours that I was being drawn away from all that is truly important – I’ve woken up – thanks goodness! x

    1. Thank you for sharing Wendy. I can so relate. You bring up such a critical aspect of finding / re-discovering “our sweet spot”. Often, we don’t arrive home “to the present moment” until challenging circumstances shine a light on what truly matters. This sweet (present) moment. 💛💫

  7. Buddhist would say we have always arrived..

    right here, right now.

    There is nothing else but this moment.

    It is our goal to realize and live in this sweet spot.

    1. Excellent point Marty. I totally agree. Thanks for sharing. As Buddha said: “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” 🌿🍃

  8. Wow, Andrea! How did you know that I needed that? I love the photo of you – I see the Light shining from your eyes, what a beautiful presence.

    For me, that sweet spot comes in when I smile at someone …. in general, when I’m kind …. when I get altitude (i.e., see the good everywhere v. worry, neg. thoughts, etc) … often when I’m running …. and when I meditate. Thanks for asking, and many, many blessings your way. ❤

    1. I feel like I’m right there in the flow with you Debbie! Running. Positivity. And Smiling. Three of my favourite pathways to the present (sweet spot) moment. Thank you for sharing & for your kindness. 💛💫

  9. Thought provoking. My sweet spot is the times I can be at peace with glad acceptance of everything within and around me. The times when my head hits the pillow and sleep comes immediately without any thoughts replacing it.

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