Thriving Under Pressure TEDx Talk

Good news to share!

I have been working on a TEDx project with the University of Windsor TEDx team since last year.

And just an hour ago, I received the good news that the finished video was uploaded to the official TEDx site today!

So pumped!

Stress Resilience

In my TEDx Talk I discuss how to THRIVE under pressure using 3 stress resilience tools: challenge, control and commitment.

The purpose of this talk is to help students develop positive coping techniques in fun, interactive, and uplifting ways.

Positive Psychology

By first focusing on what is right, before examining what is wrong, individuals can be transformed by their challenges and adversities.

Paving the path for what is next on their journey.

Thriving Communities

Please share TEDx video with friends and family on social media.

The wider its reach, the more people we can help thrive under pressure!

124 thoughts on “Thriving Under Pressure TEDx Talk

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  1. Finally, catching up with my blog reading. You are a great motivational speaker. I have seen this video spread throughout the blog world. Kudos to you.

    Loved the road map to fight stress. Everyone should see this.

  2. This is wonderful! Thank you! I love the analogy of the palm tree, and it’s roots getting stronger from storms… and the lesson in every challenge. So good and really needed to hear that today. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for sharing. It feels good knowng my message hit home for you. Especially the palm tree analogy. This resilience you demonstrate full on in every blog post. The strength in you shines through to me, every single time. 💎

  3. Love your talk! we need more encouraging characters like you in schools settings to increase the thrive to success and optimism in students! You are fab!

    I am a mature student working towards my BSc in psychology at the moment and doing my specialization in positive psychology online at the same time. I believe what you are talking here is going to be an important thing in future education and field of psychology. Breathing space is just what we need 🙂

    Thank you for this amazing talk.

    – Inka

    1. Thank you Inka! For your heartwarming response and your time spent watching my TEDx talk. I will be cheering you on as you progress through your BSc in psychology! Your unique background in yoga will provide us all with an entry into that breathing space that we all need. Including me. 🍃💚

    1. Thank you for watching & sharing with your classmates ! 1000 + 200 views thanks to students like you. 🎥 📕💥

      Did you notice how much I talked about nursing students? Hopefully you found that part extra motivating. 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️💎

  4. What I love about your TedEx experience is this: Long after those of us listening to this video today, have left our earthly bounds, your message will continue to excite and encourage many others.
    Keep up the great work Dr. Andrea. “ad astra per aspera”

  5. I found myself nodding throughout… 12 minutes of wisdom for college students or simply students of life. 🙂
    I will reblog this early next week when I get back to WordPress.
    Here’s to keeping our eyes on the stars — and to digging for diamonds!

    1. Awesome Buffy! I love that you got right into it! I can just picture you nodding away. 📺😎

      Feels good knowing my message hit close to home. For I so admire your struggles, your challenges, and your STRENGTHS. You light my way. 💎🌟

  6. Thanks for the link. Just watched this. You’re encouraging a lot of young people to go forward in their occupation. I agree with your points. Sometimes we have to settle down a bit, back off, and reevaluate. Issues always resolve sooner or later, and it doesn’t hurt to use our energy wisely.

    Also, congrats on your Ted Talk! I’m glad you didn’t stress over it, but did get ‘er done and done well. Inspiring!

  7. What a great talk! Thank you so much for sharing your valuable insight and advice! I’m fairly zen most of the time, but there are moments I shut down like I hit a wall and get overwhelmed. Simply taking the time to breathe and figure out all the ways I can go over, under, or around that wall instead of bashing myself against it would definitely make a difference!

    1. Thank you for watching! And for sharing your insights. Keeping your eye on what’s beyond the wall will help too. Your North Star will light the way! Thrive on Ms. Smith. Thrive on! 🌟💫

  8. Hey Dr. Andrea, congrats! I loved it! I really liked what you said about the parking tickets — it’s easy to complain, but it’s usually unnecessary & a waste of time. There are always other ways to do things (like taking the bus) if we encounter obstacles :)) By the way, you’re a great speaker! ❤

    1. Thanks so much Jess! Especially coming from a full-time healthcare student like yourself. You’re living & breathing the stress of university. Yet are equally strengthened by it every day. So proud of your progress as you prepare for PT. Your patients will be well cared for! 👩‍⚕️💛

  9. Congratulations, Andrea 🙂 !

    This was so wonderful and insightful. There are so many things to take and learn from your insights!! As someone who lives and frequently sweats in that firing zone you described, your suggestion to stop and breathe to trigger safety is simple, yet profound. You can tell that you truly practice what you preach because you acknowledge that these simple principles can be hard to employ at times. Thanks again for sharing your words. Keep being the North Star that you truly are!! I know how much this talk meant to you.

    Congratulations on this wonderful achievement 🙂 xo

    Ps the beginning of your talk reminded me of Portia Nelson’s Autobiography in Five Short Chapters.

    1. Thanks so much Victoria for sharing your personal insights. They are bang on! Not only personally, but professionally.

      As a fellow professor, you know how important it is to create a safe environment for students. And equally to teach them how to take those coping skills to other areas of their lives.

      BTW: I was thinking the same thing about my challenge meets opportunity journey analogy when I played it back. I must have been chanelling Portia Nelson. Too cool that you noticed! Masters in English after all. 📖 💙

  10. Challenge, Control, and Commitment. I was right with you until the word, commitment.

    My purpose was raising my daughters to happy, healthy, thriving adults. I believed mentally strong adults could do their part in making the world a better place. Their well-being was my north star, and guiding light. Since I have three daughters, a single and set of twins, that purpose was way bigger than me.

    While listening to your talk what brought me to tears is I’ve accomplished my parenting goal. But I haven’t found a new purpose.

    What excites me and gives me hope is your talk reminded me of what I was missing.

    Awesome Talk! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you Mel! For your reflections & insights. You take such good notes! Now you’re officially my student! 😉

      It sounds like you are being stretched between your comfort zone and your new purpose (which is unfolding as I type this). Which signals the importance of being extra gentle with yourself. Only then can you reach for a NEW North Star!

      1. “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” 🙂

        And Yes, I’ve just begun to be gentle with myself. The beauty is in doing so I can now I see “my spiritual aids” in this new journey. Thank you again!

  11. Oh Andrea! What fabulous energy!

    I drank your message in, as though it were the morning coffee I had been anticipating all night while I was sleeping. Thank you for reminding us that is is always the journey and how we arrive as opposed to the end and if we make it or not. If we concentrate on the journey, we always arrive.

    God Bless you. I am so thrilled to have had this opportunity.

    Sharing, sharing, sharing!

  12. Thank you for this wonderful and inspiring speech Dr. Andrea Dinardo. I have with great pleasure just listened and know how true all is but find your way of putting it is a great comfort.

    Lucky students who get this understanding. I see it also as so important to find that diamond in each one and the best time is when you stand on the threshold of deciding what to do and who you are. Brilliant.


  13. Congratulations!! Loved this. “Be accountable for your energy.” I am going to have my daughter watch this too, as she just called me tonight from college, after a particularly difficult week.

    1. I love that you’re going to share with your daughter. Please tell her that I’m rooting for her! And remind her that no matter what — her STRENGTHS will always be bigger than her stressors. 💃💥

      And thank you so much for your feedback! 😊
      Especially for sharing the part that stood out for you.
      Energy is everything, especially when coping with FB.

  14. Reblogged this on Peace from Panic and commented:
    Here’s an amazing, inspiring TEDx Talk from a fellow blogger that I just had to share! Dr. Andrea Dinardo is a college professor and school psychologist. She helps students thrive under pressure, which is an important lesson for all of us!

  15. Andrea, this is wonderful!!! You did an amazing job!

    I love how you started it, saying we need stress to grow and stress makes us stronger. But we need to learn to sway like a palm tree when we’re stressed, so we don’t break. Life is stressful, can’t get away from that. It’s how we handle it that matters.

    I also liked what you said about needing to find comfort in your discomfort zone. So true! And the breathing space is super important. That’s my number one ‘go-to’ to relieve stress. Deep breathing.

    And I loved the point about your body telling your mind it’s safe. That’s the key for me! Thank you for not only helping students thrive under pressure, but all of us!

    1. Thank you so much Jenny Marie! For watching, for sharingsso, and for your detailed feedback. You are so on the mark in your observations. And how the message is tailored for students yet universal to us all. 📚💚 #StudentsofLife

  16. Congrats Andrea! Your TED Talk is wonderful. I appreciate how concisely you’ve summed up the art of resiliency. A skill we all need and one I wish I had been taught in school. Thanks for all you do to teach and inspire students to help them become thriving adults!

  17. Ohmygoodness!!! I absolutely LOVED this and your message throughout! You have no idea how much I needed to hear this and how much comfort and strength it gave me. Thank you!!! May I share on my blog?

    1. Yes please! I would love for you to share this post on your blog. The more viewers the better! 🎥💥

      And thank you for sharing that the message of my TEDx talk was exactly what you needed today. There is no doubt that your STRENGTHS will always be bigger than your stressors.

      You just needed a little nudge to get you back on your way. ✨

      1. ❤️ thank you 😊 I love your blog and I’m always reading it. In my post tomorrow I will be sure to link to your blog and the video.

  18. Dr. Dinardo, thank you so so much for your TED Talk!

    Your video made me cry – good, hopeful tears, that is. I recently failed at a project, but I knew deep in my heart that I can really use this failure as an intrinsic motivator. Problem is, I don’t know how to show that without arrogance, without emotions representing defeat, without proper interpersonal skills that aren’t defensive in nature.

    I also have a problem with being very verbose – in text and in speech – and I’ve realized how taxing that was on my mentor and my friends. I used to be shy, but after multiple traumatic experiences, I became highly talkative – in the rude direction.

    I’m in the process of learning to let go of control, to consider others around me, to trust one bit at a time to build bonds with important people in my life (mentors and friends), and to reciprocate that which was shown to me.

    These tasks aren’t easy for the survivor, however, but I want to thrive. I know I have strengths and hope, but I fear that I’ve become arrogant in my endeavors, and that I’ve harmed people in the process.

    It’s hard to thrive when there are pressures that extend beyond instrumental tasks and tap into emotional relationships. I want so desperately thrive in both areas–especially as a scholar–but I’ve failed.

    Hearing your TED Talk has helped me to realize where my struggles are coming from, but I’m still a newby learning as a post-bacc all that I can toward strengths-based approaches for trauma survivors.

    Is there anything you’d like to add or explain particularly for trauma survivors?

    1. The only thing I would add is to focus on the “breathing space” part of my TEDx talk. Something I write about extensively on my blog. I will include a link below.

      Mindfulness through breathing and time in nature signals your body to let go. That you are safe. The body’s message travels to the limbic system & amygdala calming it down. Relaxing the mind’s chatter.

      Baby steps. And deep breaths. Pointed up to your North Star.


      —> Posts on Breathing

  19. Andrea, HUGE congratulations! This is a beautiful TEDx talk, with excellent keys on how to thrive. I particularly like the letting go v. holding on, and also giving breathing space & having a guiding light. I’d like to share this post as a contribution for #ForgivingFridays this week – is that ok with you? If yes, it would be great if you can link to my blog – and if you prefer not to, that is completely fine as well. 🙂

    Awesome, awesome, awesome. Light and blessings to all who you touch with your love and wisdom of the heart. Blessings xoxo, Debbie

    1. Wow! Thank you Debbie! Your feedback is so encouraging and specific. Which I love. Clearly showing how engaged you were when you watched my TEDx talk. I would be honoured if you would share this post as a contribution to your Forgiving Friday column. I will link back for sure! Have an amazing Saturday sweetie, xo.

      1. Wonderful!! Thanks for linking back & looking forward to sharing it. So much love to all who are touched by your talk, Andrea. Have an amazing week, and love. ❤ Blessings — Debbie

  20. Fantastic TED talk Andrea. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to you speak about the three Cs. A wonderful message spoken with conviction. Your students are very fortunate to have you as their teacher. Congratulations. Here’s to always looking up and thriving under pressure. 💫🌟

    1. Thank you so much Miriam!

      Developing the TEDx was a challenge and an opportunity! I was definitely stretched outside my comfort zone. Which is good. I was living and breathing the 3 C’s of Thriving Under Pressure!

      From Canada to Australia, and back again — I will look for you in the Stars! 🌟 💫

      1. You sure were and you performed brilliantly. Nothing stretches us more than when we’re right out of our comfort zone and breathing what we teach. Well done and yes, keep inspiring and looking up. xo 🌟

  21. Oh wow I love your talk. You made so many good points. I love that you are helping young minds be successful and finding peace within. I bet this was fun to do. Love your presentation. I’m sending it to my daughter. I know it will encourage her. Have a wonderful day 💕💕

    1. Helping young people realize their strengths is my life mission. I appreciate you spreading this message. And sharing with your daughter.

      Have an amazing day Michelle! ☀️✨

      1. I love tools like this I always need something to share besides my views. I need all the tools I can get to help build that strong foundation for me girl. Plus it encourages me that I’m headed in the right direction. Yay for that. My girl has been having troubles with anxiety and panic. I think this talk is soothing and empowering. 💖💖

  22. Thank you, a great presentation, I ready liked at about 5 minutes in when you listened to what you were saying; you gave yourself breathing space, you just flowed from then to the end.
    I really like the divers and thrivers, I’ve learnt to change from a chronic diver to a thriver, as you say, the stress of overachieving disappears.
    Thank you again.

    1. I love your personal reflections on my talk John. Not only do they add value to my message. It encourages me to dig deeper into my own philosophies. And this is the essence of why we do what we do — to learn and grow from each other. Thank you for sharing! May you continue to thrive on! 🌟✨

  23. It was great to see this talk in person the first time and it was just as good watching it a second time. 🙂

  24. Thank you and I applaud you actually for speaking on these topics. This is important for students to learn, whether it be high school or university. I could have greatly benefited from this years ago, but it’s never too late.😊

    1. My pleasure! Happy to hear you found it helpful. The tools are indeed universal to all ages & stages. In fact, I personally use my 3 C’s resilience strategies in my own life every single day. They definitely help me thrive under pressure!

  25. PERFECT! Well done Dr. D! But I think I’m biased and was going to say that anyway lol Seriously, I enjoyed every word and I think it’s an important message for everyone. The difference between thriving and diving could help us all make better choices that lead to lifelong decisions (sometimes).

  26. Congrats and very well done Dr. Andrea!
    I’ve come to know you through your insightful blogs and encouraging comments and this has been enhanced thanks to seeing and hearing you deliver your excellent Ted Talk!

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