Catch your breath.


Self-care is giving the world the best of you, not what’s left of you.”


Be still.

Catch your breath.

Take a rest.

Practice self-care.

As often as you can.

Pause at the end of my video ⬆️ for 30 fun self-care ideas.

Do you practice daily self-care?

Please share in the comments below.

55 thoughts on “Catch your breath.

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  1. Hello Andrea, thank you for a lovely video. You will gently hold all our dreams…that’s such a lovely thing to share.
    Self care is so important as you say, and I love the analogy with what we hear on the planes about putting our own mask on before helping others put theirs on. That speaks volumes too. So you’re so right. It’s not a luxury but such a necessity. And then…we are more able to give of ourselves to others freely without resentment and for the betterment of the world…Your list is wonderful 🙏🏼🙋🏻💞💞

    1. I couldn’t have said it better myself! Thank you Dianne. I love how you reflect so deeply on each post & share your own gems of wisdom with the world. Helping others freely, without resentment, or expectation of “payback”, is the ultimate goal. Which is why it’s so important to fill up our own cup first, and then consciously, give away what overflows.. xoxo

      1. Thank you for such a lovely reply dear Andrea. I love what you share so it’s a pleasure to comment and contribute to your conversation 💐💕

  2. I love that you said you will “hold them (our dreams) tenderly”! What assurance!! 🙂 Well, surprisingly, cooking is becoming my self-help practice – even though cooking is certainly not my strong suit. But that’s probably why it works. I have to focus so hard on what I’m doing in the kitchen that by the time I’m finished, I’ve cooked my burdens away!! 🙂

    1. I love it! Both that you felt my encouragement in the video. (I love being a dream holder) And your way of self-care. “I’ve cooked my burdens away.” So much fun and love in your self-care practice KJ. Bonus = Homemade food! xo

  3. Happy new year Andrea and all good wishes for 2019.
    I have had a cold virus since Christmas and been staying in & keeping warm, cooking and doing necessities. I have been making the most of this enforced rest. Reading, writing & reflecting and especially not making any friends meet up appointments.
    I also had a funeral of an elderly family friend & ex primary school teacher 14 jan.
    I have allowed people to drain me (coming with problems) and somehow accrued a mini caseload akin to my working days. I have temporarily closed the caseload for later revieww and my new caseload is me. Creating this space is long overdue.
    I watched the video and the 30 tips quickly changed to other you tube topics, unable to access it after several attempts but thanks. 🙂

    1. “Creating this space is long overdue.”

      Good for you to recognize the need to slow down and take care of yourself Margaret.

      The video of the 30 tips is just a short 5 second slide at the end. Which is why the videos went to other topics.

      You may find this video helpful — it is more in-depth on self care and grounding:

      Wishing you a restful and restorative day!


  4. This is like a personal horoscope for me. I learned to ignore sickness and push through, focusing on mission execution and accomplishment during my military career. Although we were given lip-service to self-care, more often you were commended when working while sick.

    So now, here I am, fighting off illness, trying to prove my strength and determination by pushing through. I finally admitted this afternoon, I need a rest, and then opened my computer, and there was this post. Lovely coincidence. Gave me the rationale I needed to take care of myself.

    The lessons and behavior we learn when we’re young are difficult to give up, especially when the feedback given to us validates our self-worth.


    1. “This is like a personal horoscope for me.”

      If only you could see my smile!

      I love knowing that this message arrived right on time Michael. Your words encourage me to keep blogging and video blogging (vlogging) what I see and observe in the world around me.

      I repeat yesterday’s “horoscope”:

      Catch your breath Michael. Take a rest..

      Fill up your cup. And only give away what overflows…

      Warm Wishes,

  5. This is so beautiful. My spiritual mentor John-Roger says to take care of ourselves so that we can help take care of others. I do so much with this Andrea! Meditations, eating healthy food, and exercise. Starting to take more breaks. 🙂 That is a big one for me!

    Thank you for sharing this. You have such gifts, and I’m honored to be a blog follower.

    1. So wonderful to hear from you Deb! You have worked hard to find the balance between giving and resting. And for that, I have always looked up to you. I love the strategies that you’ve shared here including the wisdom of your mentor.

      Thank you especially for your kind and encouraging words. Fellow bloggers & friends like you, give me the motivation to keep on typing!

      Andrea xo

  6. Wow I love this little video. I have to remind myself that it’s okay to rest and take breaks. I’m currently looking for a job and the stress of not working is getting to me and I used to be so busy that I barely had time for anything. Now I have all the time in the world and don’t seem to know what to do with myself. I’m enjoying your blog! ❤ Happy Wellness Wednesday

    1. Thank you for sharing Michelle Marie. I can relate so much to what you are going through. There was a time in my life, early in my career, when I did not know when & if the next job would ever arrive. And take it from my heart to yours, that your time IS coming. And in between fill up your cup, and only give away what over flows. Sending you love & good vibes all day long! Andrea xo

      1. AWE thank you. That is great advice. I needed that. One thing in my life I was always certain about was my career and now it’s been stopped so abruptly which is causing me to ask myself what do I really want to do professionally. I’ve turned down a lot of jobs because I just don’t want to be so driven with no time for myself.

        I have an interview Monday for a Technical Analyst job which I think it sounds like something I want to do. I like the analytical side of my work so I’m hoping it goes well. I’ve done all my pre-work before hand so I’ll see how it feels when I get there. I’m going by how things feel. If it doesn’t feel like a good fit I say no.

        Sending love right back to you! Thank you for sharing what you did. I’m filling up my cup for sure!

        I really am finding your videos so inspiring! I love the way you express yourself. xoxo ❤

  7. If we don’t take care of ourselves then when we reach our dreams we won’t have anything left to enjoy them. Making a point to take a moment to pause and breathe. Thank you, Andrea!

  8. I fooled myself for too long, thinking I was practising self-care and listening to my body. Sometimes it takes a ‘full stop’ moreso than ‘no!’ And sometimes self-care is giving yourself the best of you, not what’s left of you! Thanks Andrea for an attention grabbing post!

    1. I love this quote too VJ!

      Especially for over givers like us, who feel guilty for catching our breath & taking a rest.

      Good luck with your challenge this week! Love knowing this post inspired your own.

      My favourite part of blogging!

      Community. xo

  9. Absolutely! I’m finally learning the art of self-care. One podcast I currently adore is “That Smart Hustle” by Kristen Martin. She’s encouraged me to start meditating, journaling, and more!

  10. Great post. This is something I have learned to do in the past year. I have taken small blogging breaks throughout the year (and each day) to get reconnected with the world and my immediate circle. When I return, I am always refreshed and rejunvenated. I find my writing improves.

  11. It took me years to give myself permission to practice self-care without feeling guilty. Especially when my kids were younger. Now, I understand how important it is.

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