5 Love Languages: Social Psychology Class

Social Psychology Class

Part 1: Before Class Preparations

Part 2: After Class Reflections

Your Turn

What’s your love language?

What do you value in relationships?

34 thoughts on “5 Love Languages: Social Psychology Class

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  1. Trustworthiness is what I value the most. My husband always has my back, and I know it. My love language is acts of service. However, my husband’s is touch, so we’re not always in sync. I try to remember his.

    1. Knowing each other’s love languages is such an important part of relationships. Which is why I admire how ‘in touch’ 😉 you are with both what you value in love (trustworthiness) and how each of you express love differently. Wishing you a week filled with love and understanding! Warm Wishes, Andrea

  2. I always love reading your post Dr. Andrea. They are so insightful and there’s so much to learn from😊

    I really loved the surprise element in second video, where in the end you say that the love quality we choose is also who we are and that’s more likely our gift ❤
    That’s something I’m gonna reflect upon😁

    Thank you for sharing this amazing post ❤

  3. For me it’s the little things, like a big hug before or after work or fresh orange juice in the morning and it’s a two way process…has to be or “we” wouldn’t still “be” at 35 years together.

      1. It was my mum’s r.i.p. favourite also. Mum had blue eyes and could wear all shades of blue. I have greenish eyes with a brown circle around my Iris which an optician told me we’re irish eyes and I suit warm colours but can wear turquoise.
        I was delighted to hear the optician’s comment as both my parents were Irish.

        1. Such a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing Margaret! My Mom and I both have blue eyes too. What wonderful way for us all to be connected. Through the years. Across the ocean. Infinite blue. xo

  4. I notice one thing not directly mentioned in your post is a definition of “love”. I think that was wise, since most everyone defines love according to their own experience of things, and what you do say applies to just about every definition I can think of.

    I’ll mention what I think of as love, although I’d be the last person on earth to say my definition works for everyone. To me, love is more a way of seeing than it is a way of feeling towards someone or even thinking of someone. I call it a “lens”. A lens that looms another person large and before us – so close we are able to commune with them.

    And that to me would be the the one value I’d most look for in a partner — that she be someone I can commune with. After that, kindness.

        1. So true! One more thing to love about our blogging community. Your questions, reflections, and insights take my thought and writing processes to a whole new level. Grateful for you Paul! ✍️💥

          1. Quite possibly, Andrea, you just made my whole coming week for me. To say I take your thought and writing processes to a whole new level is to affirm and validate my public mission as a blogger. Personally, I blog mostly to clarify my thoughts and feelings. But in terms of any good I hope it will do for others, you have just now affirmed and validated my mission.

            Gods! Do I now owe you one or what? I can’t imagine anything less than taking you and anyone you want to come along with us to a fine restaurant. It frustrates me that’s impractical because of the distances.

            Would you give me the pleasure of shipping you Tom Robbins’ “Even Cowgirls Get the Blues”? Have I told you about it before? I think I might have. When I first read it at 22, I rolled off the couch laughing too hard. Forty years later, no other book has done that to me.

            The core theme is totally timeless and awesome. The need to be true to ourselves and what happens when we aren’t.

            I would be ecstatic if you would grant me permission to ship off a copy to you ASAP. Just use the contact form on my blog to give me a shipping address, please. What do you say, Andrea? Are you going to make me a happy man?

    1. Thank you for watching, reading, and sharing. Your kind heart comes through in all that you do.
      So it’s no wonder that you seek an equally compassionate heart.

      May you find kindness in every kind of love, until the one day someone worthy of you, arrives.
      I wish this and more for you Brigid.

      We’ve never met. Yet I feel like I’ve always known you. Must be my Irish ☘️ heritage shining through.

      Andrea 💚

      1. Thank you so much Andrea. Your message was my first opened today. You are very kind and really appreciate your wishes. Perhaps we will meet some fine day but until then I am thankful for your support and friendship. x

  5. “The five languages of love”. I have a best friend, Becky, who expresses her love in only one language — acts of service. Cleans your cottage, bakes you a cobbler, etc.

    It can be hard for folks to understand Becky. I mean understand how much she cares about them. I’ve heard her called a harsh word or two. But she’s got a warmer heart than most of us, I think.

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